1. Stand On My Own

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December 24, 2001

Aurora found herself sitting at the vanity in the corner of her bedroom staring at her reflection. She knew her looks had changed a lot in the past three years. She always considered herself to be fairly in shape and healthy. After the war, she found herself skipping meals and borrowing a little white pill from her Muggle friend, Marisa, from university. Her cheekbones protruded a bit more than they ever have but Aurora didn't think she looked sickly.

"I guess the black is a bit...morose." Aurora spoke out loud to herself, flexing her fingers out in front of her as she inspected her nail polish. It was already chipping away at the edges and since locking her wand up beneath her bed, she did everything the muggle way. There were no spells to assist her with her nails, her hair, or makeup. Bloody hell, if she missed one thing about using her magic it was for the sole purpose of a quick fixes to her looks. Growing up, Aurora was always what you would call a girly girl.

Even throughout her years at Hogwarts, Aurora tried to look her best. Ginny would always make fun of her for it, lightly of course! Chuckling softly to herself as she dipped a wad of cotton into a capful of acetone before rubbing each of her fingernails to remove the dark and chipping polish. As she repainted them a bright and bold red color, Aurora found herself checking the time. She was officially on holiday from work and from school and would be free to do as she pleased for the next seven days.

Since moving to London, Aurora never really went anywhere or took time off. She busied herself with school and when she wasn't in class, she busied herself with work. It wasn't much but Aurora found herself working at the local bakery. Her love of creating things that brought joy to others was inherited from her Mother, Adeline. Adeline Sinclair was a Muggle. Meeting her husband, Michael, and learning that magic was real came as a big shock. Adeline almost left Michael after finding out but eventually came to an understanding about the new world she now found herself submerged in.

Once her nails were dry, Aurora pulled her hair up into a messy bun on the top of her head. She had a slew of nice outfits picked out for tomorrow because one option was just not enough. Knowing that she was going to spend the night sleeping on the floor of her childhood best friends bedroom, comfort would be key for tonight. Soft black leggings hugged her short legs with black combat boots tied tightly on her feet, and one of her father's Aerosmith (a Muggle rock band) adorning her torso, falling a bit further down her thighs since she was much smaller than her father, and she was ready to embark on her journey to The Burrow.

Pulling the zipper shut on her bag after triple checking to ensure she was not forgetting anything, Aurora tugged he bag off her bed and to the ground.


"You really didn't think I would let you travel the muggle way, did you?"

Aurora let out a high-pitched scream at the sudden sight of her best friend standing by the night stand beside her bed. "GINEVRA WEASLEY!" Aurora narrowed her eyes at Ginny as her hands found their way onto her hips. "You're bloody out of your mind if you think I am going to apparate with you! IF you think I'm going to apparate at all!" She scoffed and sat herself down on the edge of her bed.

Ginny smirked and rolled her eyes. "Aurora, do you know how long it would take you to drive to the Burrow? Not to mention it's Christmas Eve. There's uh... what do you muggles call it again?" Ginny chewed lightly on her bottom lip as her right index finger tapped on her chin. "Traffic!" She giggled out, covering her mouth as she collapsed onto the bed beside Aurora.

"Gin, please... I haven't apparated in three years. What if I get splinched? Who's going to tend to my wounds? I don't trust you! Or your brothers, for that matter. Especially Ronald!" Aurora giggled back as she shook her head. Would traveling this way really be all that bad? Aurora did miss the quickness of being able to apparate to her next destination, but she prided herself on being a good driver now that she had been driving a car for the past three years.

"Oh hush! If you get splinched... and that's a big if, Rory, Mum will be home, and she'll be able to heal you." Ginny explained with a shrug, reaching into the pocket of her jeans to pull out her wand.

Aurora eyed Ginny's hand for a short moment before pushing herself up off the bed. "Fine. You won, let's do it your way. It's been three years, so if I get sick or splinched, I expect you to run me a nice hot bath and make me my favorite Weasley sweet to make up for all the pain and suffering I've experienced." Aurora grinned and elbowed her friend before reaching down to lift her bag.

Ginny reached out first, though. Her wand pointed to the bag before whispering a quick shrinking charm so that she could tuck the bag into the front pocket of her jeans after inspecting the outfit Aurora was wearing. "How do you go on with no pockets?" Ginny questioned, her eyes falling down onto the black leggings that Aurora was wearing. Ginny's free hand reached out and gently tugged up the bottom hem of Aurora's t-shirt and smirked, "I think no matter how skinny you get, you'll always have that round arse, Ro, and quite frankly I'm jealous!"

Aurora and Ginny both exploded in laughter, Aurora nudging Ginny at that comment. "Always a lady, Ginny." She joked with a smile.

Ginny grinned back with a shrug. "You know me, Ror. This is what you get when you grow up with six older brothers." She explained before holding her elbow out for Aurora to take. Slowly, Aurora reached over and wrapped her hands around Ginny's elbow and forearm. A shaky, deep sigh escaped out between her lips before she squeezed her eyes shut when Ginny whispered over, "Get ready on the count of three."




Aurora felt her stomach contract, insides twisting all over as her world turned black. Once she felt solid ground beneath her feet, Aurora wretched herself away from Ginny with a loud gasp. "YOU SAID ON THE COUNT OF THREE! YOU DID NOT COUNT TO THREE, GINNY!" Aurora raised her voice and although she was angry and quite a bit shocked, she was also a bit frightened. Her voice quavering as she spoke, her hands trembling as she placed them over her stomach.

Ginny's cheeks turned red as she watched her friend yell out at her. "Aurora, I'm so sorry. I thought it would be easier if it happened as fast as possible. You're okay, I promise you, you're okay." Ginny whispered, slowly reaching out to gently rub one hand up and down Aurora's back while the other one pulled the long strands of hair out of her face.

The front door to the Burrow opened, and in a split second Molly rushed out and towards the two girls who were standing side by side. "Ginny dear, what on earth happened?" Molly spoke softly, her tired eyes focusing on her daughter before she enveloped Aurora into a motherly hug.

Ginny didn't respond. She would be sure to tell her Mum what happened in private. Molly was aware of Aurora and the fact that she refuses to use her wand, or any magic at all. "Oh, Mrs. Weasley, I'm so s-sorry for the commotion. I just," Aurora shakily began to speak, her arms wound around Molly's waist and clasped together behind her back. She missed this feeling. "I haven't apparated since... since Hogwarts." The brunette finished more calmly, pulling back to look at Molly with a sheepish smile. "I'm so sorry!"

Molly shook her head, smoothing the wild strands of hair behind Aurora's ears and down her back. "Nonsense sweetheart," Molly began, a soft smile on her lips as she pressed a kiss to Aurora's cheek.

"Let's go inside. I'll make some tea and we can get you settled. I thought it would be nice for you to have your own bed while you stay. I've cleaned up the twins' room for you. I believe I've gotten everything out of there that would cause any unrest." Molly smiled and, together with Ginny, walked Aurora into the warm living room of The Burrow.

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