glory and gore

160 10 13

So Mun found himself tightly bound up against a pole.

His arms and legs were bound by metal chains, making it impossible to move.

His family was currently fighting off the dozens of evil spirits who were being used as a distraction.

Hana was instead looking at him, begging him not to do this.

"My life isn't worth this, Mun." She exclaimed as the gun stayed right by her temple.

Motak had attempted to save Hana before So Mun fully agreed to whatever Myung-Dae asked, but his attempt was futile.

As punishment, Hana had received another slice across her other arm.

That was all it took for the other Counters to back off until they could come up with a plan to save them both.

So Mun knew the only way they were both getting out of this alive was to follow through on Myung-Dae's request.

"Of course, it is. Your life is worth everything." Mun stated.

All Myung-Dae could do was laugh at that.

"See? We are more alike than you think. Look at you risking the entire world for her . Why do you think I want your powers? I want to bring back the woman I love because I would risk everything for her ." Myung-Dae exclaimed with a slight head tilt.

"You know why we are different? It's because you are trying to murder and kill people in your quest to save her. You are actively destroying everything she would have ever loved about you." So Mun said calmly.

Myung-Dae punched him in the gut, in response.

So Mun doubled over for a second, before spitting out blood from his mouth.

"You're wrong. I know you would do the same for her." Myung-Dae whispered in his ear.

So Mun could only glare at him in response.

"I need you to summon the territory now." Myung-Dae stated.

Without any other choice, So Mun uses his energy to bring the territory, covering the entire park in colorful lights.

"While you've been running after my little friends, I've been growing stronger. The evil spirit in me guided me on how to finally take your powers. You see I had two options; it was either kill you or learn how to steal your power. I finally learned how. Now, all I need is your territory and its strength. This might hurt, but it will be over soon." Myung-Dae exclaimed before raising his hands to So Mun's chest.

So Mun felt a strong pull at his chest as black swirled around him.

It felt as if his heart was being ripped out of his chest and he couldn't help but gasp in pain.

He could faintly hear the noise of someone calling out to him, but he could barely hear from the pain in his chest.

Suddenly, the world went black.


Do Hana was yelling.

So Mun had been surrounded by blackness, but she could still hear him in pain.

She had to help him.

She noticed the gun was no longer tightly pressed to her temple, almost as if the spirits were distracted by the swirling clouds of black, so she took the opportunity to escape.

She slammed her body backward and flipped herself over the two evil spirits holding her in place.

They groaned in pain as they loosened their hold on her.

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