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Unsurprisingly, So Mun threw the first punch.

It had been a while since they had done this, so she was a little sloppy.

She narrowly moved away from his punch and retaliated with a few jabs in return.

She would never tell this to anyone, but she enjoyed sparring with him because of this .

That weird feeling she got in her chest as she saw him sweaty, with that focused determination in his gaze, and how he wouldn't stop looking at her every movement.

She gave him a kick that he dodged, before trying for a punch to his face.

He had dodged again, and she was seriously starting to lose it.

"Seems like you keep missing, Ms. Do." He said cheekily.

"I hope you know by now that I never miss." She responded back with vigor.

That's when So Mun started to seriously fight back.

He tried punching her before attempting a roundhouse kick, finally making an impact.

She immediately fell to the ground, before glaring at him.

He just gave her another wink, before coming closer to help her up.

Instead of accepting his hand, she made a spinning move on the ground by wrapping her arms around his legs, which caused him to trip and fall on her.

He used his hands to support his weight and avoid crushing her.

"Playing dirty, I see." He responded, almost impossibly close to her.

"You know me." Hana told him, with a victorious grin on her face.

He stared at her before shaking his head and standing up.

She felt his body weight slowly leave, making her feel cold.

This time, she got back up and got into position before they went another round.

After the second round, Hana ended up back on the floor with So Mun giving her a heated stare.

She forced herself back up into a standing position.

Before she could immediately start attacking again, So Mun stopped her.

"You've definitely improved, Noona. I can barely keep up with you. But you're thinking too much." He said.

"You're thinking too much about the next few moves, instead of fighting in the moment. Evil spirits fight dirty, they aren't as predictable as I am. So, you need to do something unexpected, something to distract them while you think." So Mun finished.

Hana took his words of advice and started questioning herself.

Was that what Young-Il was doing? Was she scaring her so she would get distracted?

Hana could feel herself spiraling again.

If she wasn't distracted, So Mun wouldn't have gotten hurt.

She can't afford to be distracted. She couldn't let him get hurt because of her.

At that, she did the one thing he wouldn't expect and gave him a solid punch to the face.

So Mun went flying to the other side of the ring.

"Ow, Noona! What happened to not letting me get hurt? Clearly, it's because you wanted to do all the hurting." So Mun gave her a grin, his eyes watching her to make sure she was alright.

"I was just listening to your advice. It worked, didn't it?" Hana gave him a smile back, telling him through her eyes she was fine.

"Ready to go again, Ms. Do?" So Mun asked.

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