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A few days after Jade left, Fez was wasted. It was the first and last time I've ever seen him get so drunk.

And in that moment, I learned a few things.

Like, number one.

"Don't let her fool you." Fez was rambling about something as they stumbled down the street, Rue grunting as she supported most of his weight. "She like me. She knows she do. Ain't no 'did' cause she still do."

Apparently Jade liked Fez. Like, like like him.

Number two.

"Who am I gonna argue with now? She's gone!" Fez blubbered, Ash and Rue standing in the doorway of the bathroom and blankly staring at him. "I shoulda stole more of her shirts! Where the fuck she buy them again?"

"....what did he drink again?"

"I don't fucking know."

"And-" He hiccuped, nose scrunching. "And now Imma be stressed for life! Awwwwwwwl!"

"I-" They stared stunned when he started sobbing again, Rue groaning and rubbing her hands over her face. "I'll start the bath."

"I'll get the ice."

Fez really, REALLY fucking liked Jade.

Luckily the ice bath snapped him out of his depression.

And, number three.

"She held me." Fez whispered, eyes shut as he laid in his bed hugging a pillow. Rue peered over from where she was sitting, brows furrowed. "She told me it might be the last time we saw each other, so she would be nice. She cried."

"I doubt Jade was that sad to get away from you."

"She was. She told me she would miss me, but to live my best life and look out for you and Ash. Tol' me she would come back an-d fuck me up if anything happened to y'all."

Jade really cared about us.

She was always aggressive, no matter who it was. The only person she was soft with was her mom.

"Mommy!" Jade ran in crying, hugging her mom tight as Rue and Fez trudged after her. "I-I don't know what's wrong with me!"

"She freaked herself out. Thought she saw a snake." Fez mumbled as he plopped on the couch, turning on the TV while Rue went to the kitchen to get Jade some water. "Then a dog chased her cause her dumbass started screamin and runnin."

"Be nice." Tiarra hissed, smacking his shoulder and sitting Jade on the couch. "Just breathe for me, Jade."

"That ain't gon' work, we tried." Fez found Jade's favorite cartoon, turning up the volume and throwing a pillow at her. "This stupid sh- show you watch on."

"TT, can I get a snack?"

"After you eat some food." Tiarra gratefully took the water from Rue, holding it up for Jade to drink. She wasn't paying attention, zoned out and focused entirely on the show on the TV screen. "Here, Jade."

Jade took the water, blinking before her head snapped toward the kitchen.

"Food, Rue!"

"Aw man."

"Ow!" Jade nailed Rue in the face with a wrapped sandwich, the girl whining and rubbing her head. "Why?"

"You didn't bring lunch." Jade shrugged, glaring and looking around before looking at her. "Don't waste my shit."

"Dude, fuck your boyfriend." Jade scoffed, helping Maddy get ready for a party while she sulked. "You guys do this every three weeks."

"....do you think he's cheating on me?" Maddy whispered, playing with her rings nervously.

"When that day comes, check him into an asylum. Cause he's obviously lost it."

"Ash, read the question." Jade tapped the paper, Ash going to say something before she stopped him. "Close your mouth and open your eyes. Read it slowly, m'kay?"

"....Sarah and Mikey each have ten apples."

"Uh huh." Jade wrote that down, putting ten dots under each initial.

"If Sarah gives Carol two apples, how many did Mikey give her if he gave twice as many?" Ash's face scrunched. "Who is Carol?"

"It doesn't matter. How many did Mikey give her?"


"Okay. Read the next part."

"Mikey also gives Tyler five apples. How many apples does Mikey have left?" Ash looked at her, Jade just tapping the paper and watching him. "....one?"

"Uh huh."

"IF SIX TIMES A NUMBER IS THREE HUNDRED AND THIRTY TWO, HOW MUCH IS THAT NUMBER?!" It was a one eighty with Fez. Jade was staring blankly at him as he held his head in his hands. "Don't- O'Neil, you boutta piss me off."

"Forty seven."


"Stop yeLLING AT ME!"


"You didn't indent here." Rue had asked Jade to come over to help with her English essay, Jade rereading it backwards to find mistakes easier. "This is spelled wrong, improper grammar here, you're using 'and' too many times in this sentence when you can use commas, and you shouldn't be using exclamation marks anywhere in this essay."

"Well....I thought it was exciting...."

"Yeah, well you're writing it for a strict teacher. She's always got something up her ass, so get rid of them."

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