Scroll Eight: Village Date

359 22 2

I_Love_All_ - Yes, I know I just posted but I think you are going to like this one. Enjoy the scroll and let me know if you have any other ideas.

Quick Note: At the time of this Scroll & - It is currently the end of January & the beginning of February, thus making it Winter. You'll understand why I mention this.

[The Village of Lavender Light - Hogosha Estate - Guest Wing]

"Here, these should make up for the clothes I ruined during our fight. Hopefully, I got the measurements correct and they fit." Hinata said as she held out a folded outfit to the bare Ice User before her - well, he wasn't entirely bare, he was still wearing his pants; he was currently lacking his top, shoes, and mask. After their battle near the Steel Mine, Hinata brought Zabuza and Haku back to her village and took them to Hogosha Estate. As she didn't have any servants at the moment, she summoned some clones to prepare dinner for her guests. Meanwhile, she led Zabuza and Haku to the Guest Wing of Hogosha Estate so they could rest after their travels and the fight with Hinata. 

Hinata felt embarrassed for ruining Haku's clothes during the battle, so she sent another clone to get him new garments while she showed Zabuza and Haku their rooms. The rooms were not fully furnished, but they had beds, dressers, and desks with chairs, which was a decent start. After Zabuza was shown to his room, he went straight to sleep and asked not to be disturbed until dinner time. Hinata exhaled while Haku chuckled at his father figure's behavior before she led him to his room. After Haku went inside, Hinata waited outside the door until the clone came back with the clothes. She knocked on the door and waited for Haku to tell her to come in. When she did, she almost had a nosebleed at the sight of Haku's body. He was slim, but his muscles were noticeable, and his complexion was almost flawless - except for the scar she had given him.

"Thank you, My Dear." Haku smiled as he reached out and took the clothes from Hinata, their fingers grazing against each other before he pulled the clothes towards himself and looked at the design before looking at the Grand Leader of the village. "These are rather nice. Were they made here?" 

"We have a few tailors here but all of them use a well-known pattern-maker for their designs." Hinata explained.

"That is rather interesting to know. I shall get dressed." Haku said.

"Very well, try and get some rest." Hinata said as she turned and started walking away.

"What about you, My Dear? Aren't you going to get some rest as well?" Haku asked - concern dancing in his dark brown eyes.

"I'm going to my office - there are some applications I need to go over and give some thought to for the first semester of the new ninja academy currently under construction. Do not concern yourself with me, Haku." Hinata said, trying to calm his nerves, however, he merely shook his head, walked over to her, and placed a tender hand on her shoulder.

"Even leaders need rest, My Dear. You may not think so, but you used a lot of power during your bouts with Zabuza-sama and myself. Please, do not overwork yourself, or you shall make me worry about you." Haku pleaded with her. Hinata blushed under her mask at his words but she couldn't bring herself to listen to him, knowing that he was not going to let her leave until she agreed...

"I...I shall consider it. Rest well." Hinata moved away from Haku's grasp and walked out of the room, closing the door behind her to give the Ice User the privacy he needed to relax.

Upon reaching her office, Hinata exhaled as she closed the door behind her while removing the mask from her face; so much had happened in one day and she just needed a moment to herself. Hinata looked at the stack of papers on her desk before she walked around it, pulled out her chair, took a seat, and pulled up to her desk before grabbing the first applicant's request.

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