Scroll Fifteen: The Clan Heads Sit

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I_Love_All_ - Time for another scroll to open. Please, enjoy. Time for some...interesting family drama.

AnimeBoba93 - I love reading your comments! Thank you.

[Hogosha Estate - The Dining Hall - 7 In The Morning]

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[Hogosha Estate - The Dining Hall - 7 In The Morning]

"My Tiger Lily, we talked about this - No paperwork during mealtimes." Haku said as he placed Hinata's breakfast before her while she looked over some critical paperwork in her hand while her other hand rested on her mask, the claw of her index finger tapping against the surface of the top of her mask. Hinata exhaled and lowered the paperwork from her face to look at the playful scowl her husband was giving her.

"Forgive me, My Ice King, I just wanted to make sure I had all the paperwork my council was asking for - some of the smaller towns and villages wanted to trade with us, and then we have...unwanted visitors in our home for a while." Hinata exhaled before placing the paperwork down and said a silent prayer before eating.

"Haku-sama, I have to say that I was rather kind of you to make breakfast for us as well." Sakura said as she looked at the meal before her.

"Think nothing of it, Haruno-san; I heard from my wife that you and certain members of your company are the only ones she can tolerate, thus, I shall treat you with kindness...until my wife says otherwise or you decide to knock the olive branch from her hand." Haku said as he sat down and started eating with his wife.

"Damn, Kid, you know how to pick 'em - he can cook good ass food, kick someone's ass without issue, and keep you all-powerful ass in check! You scored with this one!" Anko said from her chair.

"I am well aware of this...and do not speak with your mouth full." Hinata said before eating a bite of bacon. Tsunade was still resting from a hangover - Hinata had even her some Lavender Light Whiskey, crafted by the Brewer who lived in a small house near the river. Hinata continued to eat her breakfast when the Golden Guard walked in and kneeled before her.

"Grand Lady, we have a situation at the Front Gate." He started.

"What is the matter? There is none hurt at the moment, correct?" Hinata asked as she looked towards her guard.

"Grand Lady, there is another group of ninjas from the Village of Konoha at our gates. None of them are carrying the cursed metal, except for one. All of them have the same eyes you had when you first came here." The moment those words left the guard's lips, Hinata's eyes widened while her oval pupils narrowed; showing her displeasure in those words.

"You speak of the Byakugan - The Kekki Genkai of the Hyuga Clan. Tell me, who all are in their company. Describe them, please." Hinata stated.

"There are 4 of them: 3 Males and One Female, all of them with brown hair. The Leader of the Group called the be your 'Father', the younger males claimed to be your 'cousin' and 'former protector', while the young female announced that she was your 'younger sister.'" The Golden Guard explained.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15 ⏰

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