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Adelaide idly toyed with the ruffled edges of her menu, her eyes scanning the café's surroundings while she waited for Sam to return with their drinks.

In Baltimore, Maryland, the trio found themselves on the lookout for a possible case, with Dean meticulously combing through the local newspaper for any leads.

"Here you go," Sam announced, sliding into the seat beside Adelaide and passing Dean his coffee.

He handed Adelaide a coffee cup, though both knew its contents were far from the typical brew.

"Thank you," Adelaide spoke, accepting the cup and arching an eyebrow at the red liquid inside. "You remembered my...unique taste preferences. How thoughtful."

Sam scoffed under his breath, shrugging slightly. "How could I forget?"

Adelaide took a sip of her beverage as Sam settled in beside her. Before he could fully relax, Dean's voice spoke up.

"Anthony Giles." Dean said, addressing the group.

"Who's Anthony Giles?" Sam asked.

"A Baltimore lawyer—working late in his office. Check it out." Dean gestured to the newspaper, as Sam picked it up and began to read from it.

Adelaide let out a dramatic sigh. She had read the newspaper at least three times already, considering she was the one to find the case in the first place.

"His throat was slit, the room was clean. Huh," Sam sighed out as he skimmed the paper, "no DNA, no prints."

"Keep reading, it gets better," Dean replied, as Adelaide gave him a look.

"Gets better for our sake." he corrected.

"Security cameras failed to capture footage of the assailant."

"So either somebody tampered with the tapes..." Dean began.

"...Or it's an invisible killer," Sam finished.

"My favorite kind." Dean winked. "What do you think, Scully? Want to check it out?"

Sam furrowed his eyebrows. "I'm not Scully, you're Scully."

Dean shook his head. "No, I'm Mulder. You're the redheaded woman."

"And what are you, Adelaide?" Dean spoke with a grin.

"Too old for this." She sighed.


After Adelaide, Sam, and Dean finished up their lunch,  they decided to investigate the case further.

They quickly headed back to their motel room, changing into formal attire to pass as insurance agents in order to gain access to the crime scene—and more importantly, talk to Anthony Giles' wife. Adelaide slipped into a sleek black dress, while Dean and Sam wore suits.

𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐄𝐋𝐄𝐒𝐒 ; Sam WinchesterWhere stories live. Discover now