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Adelaide Booker's gaze flickered sporadically throughout the crowded bar, eyes raking over every unfamiliar newcomer. The tequila burned as it slid down her throat, though her face remained stoic. There was a faint thrumming in her ears, as her breath shakily left her lips.

Adelaide sat at the edge of the bar, feeling a pair of eyes on her. She turned away from the bar to lock eyes with the man, who was sitting alone at a table. He sipped his drink, and nodded at her, a smile on his face. Adelaide saw past it.

Any one of the people at the bar could've been behind the vampire killings, any one of them could've been tracking her down. The thought made Adelaide grip her glass tighter.

Adelaide and her nest of vampires had heard of the first beheading over a week ago. The killings grew more constant after that—as if someone had suddenly showed up with the determination to wipe every vampire out of Red Lodge.

The killings angered Adelaide. While her past wasn't perfect—she'd admit that, things were finally beginning to change. She had finally found a place to call home, she had finally found vampires who could unteach her monstrous ways.

Adelaide wasn't a saint, but she wasn't evil, either. Not anymore.

Her past was filled with violence and anger, but she had been trying to make amends with those she had wronged. It wasn't super successful—however, as most of the people she had wronged were dead.

Adelaide had never been caught for her killings before—not once during her time on Earth. But then, Adelaide met Lenore.

Lenore was a woman of great respect, with a small nest of vampires behind her. She had taken Adelaide in months prior, promising that she could help her change her ways. Adelaide was hesitant at first, though was grateful for Lenore's care.

Vampires were loyal—extremely so, and Lenore had refused to give up on Adelaide even when she had given up on herself. It wasn't long before Adelaide put her days of human blood behind her, reverting to a diet of strictly cattle blood.

Adelaide had only been living with the other vampires for a few months, the group of supernatural creatures constantly on the move from hunters. The hunters were bloodthirsty, possibly even more so than the vampires themselves.

It seemed the second she tried to do the right thing, however, the actions of her past seemed to catch up with her.

The Booker girl downed the alcohol to the very last drop, slamming a fifty-dollar bill on the table as she stood up to leave. On her way out, she crossed two men. Two very attractive men, if she was being honest, catching the taller one's eye as she slipped out into the parking out.

𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐄𝐋𝐄𝐒𝐒 ; Sam WinchesterWhere stories live. Discover now