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Adelaide awoke to the sound of Lenore's distant cries of pain. The brunette slowly opened her eyes, feeling the stinging sensation from the blade that had sliced through her skin.

The Booker girl quickly realized she was tied up, her arms and legs restrained to the chair with a strong rope. Her eyes darted to the hunter above her, the man tauntingly circling the knife just above her skin. Lenore was nowhere to be found.

"Where is she?" Adelaide groaned out, trying to fight the searing shocks of pain throughout her body. She blinked slowly, her eyes feeling like they had been dipped in molasses.

"Doesn't matter. She'll give me what I want once she sees you dead." The hunter replied, not an ounce of fear in his voice. There was a bone-chilling level of intensity in his eyes, his face stone cold as he dragged the bloodied blade up and down her skin.

"Stop," Adelaide choked out, attempting to fight past her restraints.

Adelaide's pleas fell on deaf ears as the front door creaked opened, the hunter from earlier in the evening entering with one of his friends. The Booker girl's blood ran cold, her mind racing at all the possibilities of what the hunters had planned for her and Lenore.

"Sam, Dean," the hunter greeted upon noticing his friends, his voice eerily calm, "come on in."

To Adelaide surprise, the men were hesitant.

"Gordon, what's going on?" The shorter one said, his voice firm as he kept his distance from the man.

"Just poisoning Adelaide here with some dead man's blood." He chuckled. "She's a feisty one."

Adelaide glanced up at Gordon through heavy eyelids, her lips parting as she murmured out a distinct, yet quiet, "screw you."

"She's gonna tell us where the rest of her friends are, aren't you?" Gordon sighed as he went to redip the blade in his jar of dead man's blood. "Want to help?"

The shorter, approaching hunter gave Gordon an apprehensive glare. "Look, man—"

"Grab a knife," Gorden spoke, his tone coming out as more of an order than a suggestion, "I was just about to start on her fingers."

Adelaide stiffened at this, her body not cooperating with her mind as she tried to get away. She was in too much pain to move, forced to lay slumped in her chair, practically accepting and inviting Gordon to hurt her.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa—hey. Let's all just chill out, huh?"

"I'm completely chill." Gordon assured with a smile. It was such an animalistic smile, it send a shiver down Adelaide's spine.

𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐄𝐋𝐄𝐒𝐒 ; Sam WinchesterWhere stories live. Discover now