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Adelaide, Sam, and Dean had been on the road for a few days, enjoying life for the time being without a case to attend. Dean had ended up taking Sam to a clinic in a town they had been passing by, and the younger brother's wrist was declared broken.

Adelaide teased him for the cast his arm adorned, often making snarky comments about the fragile nature of human bones. Each time she was met with an unamused laugh and a middle finger from his good hand.

There had been nothing but roads for miles, so when Dean passed by a gas station in the middle of nowhere, the Winchester brothers took that as their chance to use the bathroom and restock on food.

Adelaide stayed in the car, trying to block out the harsh rays of sun outside. She opened the window as she lit up a cigarette, taking a few drawls in. Dean hated when she smoked in the car, not wanting to ruin the seats.

Adelaide felt her stomach rumble slightly, knowing she was in need of food. She'd keep an eye out for a cattle farm for a quick bite later.

The vampire refocused her attention from her growing hunger, huffing as she listened to the ballads of soft rock from Dean's cassette tapes, growing bored without someone to talk to. She debated getting out of the car, though before she entertained the idea too much, Dean reentered the driver's seat with a grin.

"Hey, sweetheart," he grinned, increasing the music's volume as he removed his sunglasses. Adelaide rolled her eyes.

"Don't call me that." She scoffed, crossing her arms as she leaned back in her seat. Dean gave her an amused glance from the side mirror.

"Yeah, yeah," he waved off. "You'll grow to like it."

Adelaide shook her head. "You wish," she replied, sitting up in her seat, "where's Sam? We should get going."

"He's coming. It takes the bitch years to take a leak." Dean informed nonchalantly, eyebrows raising as he searched through the small bag of snacks he had purchased from the store, before setting it aside.

Adelaide could smell the scent of sugary snacks almost immediately as Dean ripped the candy's packaging open, her stomach giving another good natured rumble.

"If he's not back in five, I vote we leave him." Adelaide suggested absentmindedly, sarcasm evident in her tone. Dean seemed to jokingly consider the thought for a moment.

"Plus, I'm hungry," Adelaide added, as Dean's expression shifted slightly. The vampire took notice of Dean's sudden standoffishness and judgmentally glared at him. "Relax, it's not like I'm gonna eat you."

Dean pointed a finger at Adelaide. "You better not, I'm precious cargo. You sit tight, I'm gonna go get Sammy."

Adelaide watched as Dean exited the car, clearly trying to get out of Adelaide's immediate reach. She had known the boys for a little over a month, and was frustrated that they still seemed to treat her as if she'd snap at any moment—disregarding her loyalty to helping them, at least until she could repay the favor of them saving her life.

𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐄𝐋𝐄𝐒𝐒 ; Sam WinchesterWhere stories live. Discover now