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"Thank God!" Dean sighed out in relief, his slow steps pacing faster as he approached his car. His heart was still pounding from the fear of losing his beloved Impala, but now that he saw her intact, he felt a rush of gratitude and relief. "I'm sorry, baby. I'll never leave you again."

"You two need a minute?" Adelaide teased, a small smirk playing on her lips as Dean shot her an unimpressed look.

"At least he left the keys in it." Dean tried, securely stuffing the metal keys into his pocket.

"Yeah," Sam scoffed. "Real samaritan, this guy.

Adelaide got herself comfortable inside the car, settling in the familiar leather seats. However, her relaxation was quickly tainted by a vaguely familiar bitter scent that filled her nostrils. It stuck to her like a cheap air freshener, making her wrinkle her nose in distaste.

"It looks like he can't work his mojo just by twitching his nose. He's gotta use verbal commands."

Sam's mind started working, putting the pieces of the puzzle together. "The doctor had just gotten off his cellphone when he stepped in front of that bus," he recalled, his eyebrows furrowing as he delved into his memory. "Andy must've called him or something."

Adelaide listened to Sam's words, taking in his words, but something felt off about the entire situation. Andy may have been an asshole, sure, but that didn't make him a murderer.

"I don't know, maybe," Dean replied, his tone etched with suspicion as he averted his gaze to the pavement.

It seemed Adelaide wasn't the only one who found the situation odd. Sam straightened his posture at Dean's underlying suspicion, tilting his head.

"Beg your pardon?"

"I just don't know if he's our guy, Sam." Dean contradicted. His instincts were gnawing at him, telling him that Andy might not be as guilty as they initially believed.

"Dean, you had O.J. convinced before he got out of his white bronco, and you have doubts about this?" Sam retorted, still unable to fathom Dean's uncertainty.

"This doesn't seem like the stone-cold killer type," Dean huffed out, trying to explain his reservations. "That's all—and O.J. was guilty."

Sam's eyes narrowed as he considered Dean's statement, silent as the words of his brother settled in. "Either way, how are we gonna track this guy down?"

Adelaide had been zoned out of the conversation, lost in her own thoughts, but she snapped back to attention when she felt two pairs of eyes set on her. She looked up with a confused expression, before realizing what they needed her for.

The vampire's super senses seemed to prove useful after all, after she had managed to sniff out Andy's van. All she had to do was follow the bitter smell that Andy had left behind in the Impala, and she was golden.

𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐄𝐋𝐄𝐒𝐒 ; Sam WinchesterWhere stories live. Discover now