14-Men In The Soop Pt3-ATV

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On their first day of arrival, no major games happened. The idol guests were just filmed choosing their own rooms through an easygoing guessing game and they were made to interact naturally with each other doing usual normal activities at the house and other things they wanted to explore in their scenic environment.

Jimin enjoyed watching them on the sidelines. The members clearly have a very close bond and affectionate towards each other, he noticed.

While standing silently in a corner, watching the going ons, his ears caught some soft voices of three staffs, talking among themselves in hushed , twitterpatted tones.

"Oh my goodness, V and JK, just look how sweet they are."

"Why do they look so good together? I just can't!"

"I know,right? There was a time when I actually almost shipped them because they were so cute together."

"Beat this. Once, I even believed the dating rumors were true, I became a crazy shipper."

"They are just so cute that's why!"

"They looked like a perfect couple."

Jimin watched more intently at V and Jungkook after hearing the soft chitchats.

V was sitting cross-legged on the floor, leaning against Jungkook's legs, who was sitting on the sofa with the other members. They all were just talking with some playful jesting, so they were loud and laughing while eating snacks. Jungkook kiddingly plays with V's curly hair while V unseriously tries to stop Jungkook and they both started their foolish bickering while giggling.

Something twisted in Jimin and he sensed a sudden heaviness  in his chest. He felt a pang of sadness that he can't begin to comprehend.

He walked slowly away from there and went out of the house in an absentminded manner. He sucked in air, feeling hard to breathe.

He didn't hear the rest of the hushed conversations, "I got so heartbroken when I learned V is dating the female idol."

"And Jungkook blatantly rectified the false rumors about him and V. He set them straight for good. They are just like brothers. So sad."

"Why be sad with their brotherly bond? Me, I was glad when it came out in the open. I admired V more for being a real man and standing up for his girlfriend. He risked his career and everything and fought for their love. Don't you think that's impressive? Now, I am their diehard supporter."

"I guess, you are right. I should just accept the facts."


"Jimin, what are you doing here? Thought you want to watch them film." Yoongi's voice cut through Jimin who seemed to be
contemplative. standing by the lawn, staring at the horizon. He came with Bam alongside him.

"I already did. I just wanted some fresh air."

"Are you bored? Maybe you're missing your hometown being here in the countryside."

"Y-Yes, I guess so." Jimin sighed again. He really doesn't understand why his mood plummeted, why he even wants to cry for no reason whatsoever.

"Well, after this, you can ask Jungkook for a vacation. I'm sure he'll allow you to visit your place for a while."

"J-Jungkook?.....Y-Yes, I'll do that." Jimin said somewhat distracted by the mention of Jungkook's name.

"You can go with Hobi...  His part time job will end next week."

"Oh! Really? I didn't know about that."

"He just told me a moment ago."

"He called you? And he hasn't even call me up yet. Why does it seem that you talk  on the phone more often than we do?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27 ⏰

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