13- Men In the Soop pt2-COUSIN

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When they got to the designated house for some of the crew and staff, Jungkook dropped Jimin non-too-gently on the common receiving room's couch.

"Aw!" Jimin groaned frowning at his boss while rubbing his side bum. "Why do you seem angry? I didn't plan to be toppled over by Bam and Bam of course didn't mean to. I'm sorry if I'm being a burden b-but I didn't ask you to carry me." His eyes were downcast as was his tone.

Jimin realized he offended his boss in some way seeing the other's somewhat annoyed expression and there's always that ache which bothers him whenever he realizes Jungkook is unhappy with him or his actions but he just keeps it inside.

Jungkook kneeled and stooped down before the younger, still scowling but attempted to touch Jimin's leg to check his foot. "Let me see how's your foot."

But Jimin moved his leg away, avoiding Jungkook's touch. "I am alright. I will know if I sprained it or not. There's not much pain and I can move it." He uttered sulkily. He felt he shouldn't bother Jungkook anymore and at the same time he felt aggrieved and hurt. Jungkook affects his mood a lot.

"I'll see if you've got any cuts or bruises."

"I'm perfectly alright. I am not a baby. I can manage small wounds but I'm sure I didn't have them."

So Jungkook straightened while still down on his knees. He glared at the younger sharply. "Next time try to be more careful a-and.. try to behave modestly with the other.. men. You don't let just any man get touchy with you then let them carry you especially by an idol. It wouldn't look good. It could start a lot of nasty, ugly rumors and you wouldn't want to be involved in those."

"He just helped me to get up and he just wanted to help me...Aren't you an idol too? And you carried me all the way here."

"T-That's different."

" How can that be different?"

"W-Well.. ehrmm..because.."

"Are they gonna talk bad about me? What kind of ugly rumors? I- I think some people keep glancing at us." Jimin spoke in a soft voice as he began to get wary of a few stares that he just noticed being thrown at him at that moment although he can see them somewhat more occupied with unloading their stuffs and engaged in loud conversations.

So the two spoke confidentially.

"Don't worry about them. The production staff were informed that you are my distant relative and working for me as my assistant and helper. And soon the others will just know. So, no need to be on guard when you are with me."

"But I am not your relative.. Y-You lied?"

"It's necessary when I asked Yoongi to arrange accomodation for you here and this is to avoid any malicious rumors. Don't forget you are my second cousin from my father's side of the family, alright?"

"I am your second cousin. Got it! B-but I'm not good at lying, sir Jungkook. I don't think it's even right. And why didn't you tell me this in advance?" Jimin complained, pouting his lips.

"It totally left me. I've a lot of things on my mind." Jungkook playfully squeezed the lower cheeks of Jimin briefly between his thumb and index finger, making Jimin's lips look more like a chick's beak. "Can you please stop whining."
"And by the way, don't call me sir anymore. They would expect, as relatives, we address each other informally..hmm, just call me JK or Ian.. or J-Jungkookie?... I think Jungkookie is sweet, I m-mean better. From now on call me that, got it?"

"Oh Okay. Sir Jungkook, was that why you were annoyed with me? I am sorry. I didn't think."

Jungkook just hummed and nodded, vaguely affirming.

THE IDOL'S HOUSEKEEPER/ Jikook Kookmin MingukWhere stories live. Discover now