11- 'Come With Me' , 'Take Me With You'

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Jimin was sitting on the couch with the doberman comfortably curled up beside him and its head glued against his thigh. Bam looked so contented as Jimin gently rubs its side belly while staring blankly at the television, looking a bit glum in a contemplating mood.

"Starting to slack off I see." Jungkook suddenly showed up and slumped down on the other chair.

"Why do you keep on accusing me of doing that, sir Jungkook?" Jimin frowned sadly. "The only time I was glued to the television for long hours was when you've made me watch that Moving series with you and you're the one who brought out all the popcorns and all those other junkfoods."

"Aish! Why so uptight, Jiminie? I was just kidding. I knew you just came back from a walk with Bam. You didn't even wait for me. You look a bit down in the dumps that's why. I just wanted to cheer you up."

"How would that possibly cheer one up, accusing a person of being lazy?"

"I was teasing you, ok? But I apologize if I offended you. And also I don't mind if you slack a little. I wouldn't like you to overwork yourself. You should always give yourself time to rest coz I know you work hard and I am happy with everything you're doing. "

"Thank you sir Jungkook. I'm sorry if I am being a spoilsport."

"Nah, you are not.. What's bothering you though? I hate seeing you like this."

"N- Nothing.. I don't know.. I w-was just thinking.." Jimin exhales heavily.

"Hmmm, thinking about what? Ah, is it about your cousin? I know it seems very difficult Jimin but we won't  give up looking for him, ok?"

Jimin wasn't able to find any clue of his cousin's whereabouts yet even with the help of Jungkook and Yoongi who have diligently tried to find him. They have searched him up in the internet, asking colleagues and people in the entertainment industry working with them but nothing came up and no one had met the person of the given name. There was only one vague old photo of him and no one they've asked recognized the person in question. Jungkook also even went as far as asking favors from a few close people in the media industry to release some news advisory of the searched person. Nothing came up yet.

The cousin also had sent Jimin and their grandparents a few letters with a sender's address, the latest one being two months old. But when they went to the address, they've found a new house owner who doesn't know anything much about the previous occupants of the place. The real estate agent also didn't have much to say about the whereabouts of the previous owners. So, it seemed they are stuck.

His cousin and finding his cousin, although make Jimin worry a lot, weren't really the major reason why Jimin was feeling a bit sad at the moment. But he didn't contradict Jungkook since he also had anxious thoughts about them.

"I wonder, sir Jungkook, if I should go back to my home, maybe he had sent another letter and no one was there to receive it, not even Hobi." Jimin suggested.

Hobi, Jimin's best friend and neighbor, still has not returned to the village having able to get himself a temporary job in the city.

"I am sure my cousin wrote again and must've informed me of his new address. Perhaps you'll permit me to leave for a few days?"

"Of course you can Jimin.... Just to check on your mail, right? You must come back. I-I mean you need to.. What I meant was , you come back if you want to and I'll help you find your cousin."

"Thank you so much, sir Jungkook." Jimin gave his boss a very grateful soft smile. 'He indeed has a heart of gold.'

"But of course, not today or tomorrow. Maybe you can go by next week."

"Yes, I know, sir Jungkook. You'll be going away tomorrow and you need me here to look after Bam." Jimin's lips downturned again, with downcast eyes as he said the words cheerlessly. "Perhaps after you come back from your filming? or maybe only when you'll think it's more convenient, a time when you won't need me much, a-anymore?"

Jungkook for a split second just stared at the younger, spaced out. He wondered, 'Was there a time he didn't need him? Why's the thought of Jimin not being around is unthinkable, like, it's just not a pleasing thought at all?!' It caused his heart to beat in panic.

"No. You can't go yet because you are going somewhere else. You are coming with me... together with Bam, of course.. and Yoongi."

"What do you mean? You'll bring Bam with you in the shoot? And I'll be coming too?!" Wide eyed Jimin bursted with a sudden exalted expression. His dark mood quickly brightened.

"Yes, yes. Yoongi managed to make a good deal with the production per my request to give you and Bam, of course, an accommodation.  I learned the location was a  vast place in the countryside,  built for the group of guest artists to film the particular reality show. It has a big villa with a few small houses beside it, with plenty of rooms and acres of well-designed grounds for outdoor activities and sports. It would be perfect for Bam and they can accommodate extra people."

"Oh! Sir, Jungkook, I am so excited! Why didn't you tell me earlier, I wouldn't have felt so sad... I- I mean.. I would've prepared more food! I've already frozen some delicious snacks to be fried in the morning which you can eat while on the road. Ah! I need to make some more!" Jimin loudly proclaimed as he stood up in haste, alerting the procrastinating dog on his side. With crescent eyes sparkling and a wide smile plastered on his very bright face, he shook his hips in tiny then dashed to the kitchen.

Jungkook laughed out loudly at his housekeeper's reaction. "And you need to prepare your personal things to use for four days, okay?" He shouted out.

"Yes! later I will, sir Jungkook!" Jimin shouted back in reply.

Jungkook patted the dog that has woken up with playful energy synergized with Jimin's burst of excitement.

"Aish! That cute little bean has shallow happiness, don't you think, Bam?  He becomes happy from just small things." And Jungkook softly chuckled, his smile as bright as sunshine, his heart beating with happiness as well.


                                                they are going back to that special place and time..

Iconic Jikook

                                I'll say say it again

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I'll say say it again. Blond Jimin is the prettiest 🥰🥰🥹

 Blond Jimin is the prettiest 🥰🥰🥹

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THE IDOL'S HOUSEKEEPER/ Jikook Kookmin MingukWhere stories live. Discover now