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Looking for you out of habit
Cover for you like usual
I'll take it a blessing
It's so natural now for me

For you my devotion
To you I'd say yes sir
If you want me I'll be there
You're my destination

Uea still sleepy when he started looking for the warmth he felt last night. But no matter where his hand searching, the warmth was not there. Uea couldn't help but open his eyes slowly, but it turned out that the warmth was really not there, king was not beside him. Uea got out of bed to look for king.

"king .." called Uea, but the person he called did not answer. Uea walked towards the kitchen but king was not there, even in the bathroom there was no king's present. Uea sighed. King just left him without saying good bye to him. Uea started to feel worried and his anxiety suddenly came back.

' Did King dump him after making love with him? 'Uea's mind was racing, he tried to stay positive but the fact that King left him without saying good bye after sex with him made his heart hurt. Even though uea is starting to hope and depend on King. But it turns out.... his hopes have been dashed. King just wants his body.

Uea sighed, hoping to king turned out to be a big mistake. Uea walked unsteadily back to his bed, he wanted to go back to rest to calm his tired mind and body. While Uea's thoughts were racing, Uea saw something on his bedside table. Uea saw a cup of milk and a plate containing eggs and sausage. Uea also saw that there was a small note under the glass, he took the note and started reading it.

'Hi babe... sorry, I have an urgent business so I'm leaving first. You fell asleep very soundly and I know last night's activities really drained your energy so I couldn't bear to wake you. I will come back after my business is finished, you just take a rest and I've bathed you and prepared food for you... eat it, okay? don't let your stomach be empty. Love you darling💗💗💗'

The simple writing made the worry in Uea's heart immediately disappear, he smiled reading the note.

King parked his car in front of a restaurant which was quite hidden. King got out of the car and when King got in, the waiter immediately came to King.

"Welcome sir.. For how many people sir ?" asked the waiter, but king ignored him and looked for someone. And when he found someone he was looking for, king smiled at the waiter.

"No need ... My friend is waiting there," said king. King walked to his so called friend.

"Sorry I'm late uncle... the roads are quite busy today," said King with a smile.

"No problem, I just came too... sorry I disturbed your time," replied the uncle.

"Its okay uncle, I happen to be free now," said king.

"Have you had breakfast? If not, you can order the food you want, I will treat you," said the uncle.

"I already had breakfast before coming here, so I'll just order a drink, uncle," said king as he called the waiter and ordered a drink.

"So what do you want to talk to me about? ... this is about uea, right, Uncle Leo?" asked King. Leo took a sip of his coffee before he looked at king deeply and put his drink away.

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