16_NARAK CHIP PUNG ( Bonnadol Feat.SPRITE)

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You know. There is a man falling in love
Because you are cute
I can't stand it
You know, you are always beautiful
Your cheek looks squishy
The cutest
You are more than perfect
Because you are cute to Roi Et

Sky is restless, for the past few days his mind has been filled with rain that will end his relationship with phi phayu. To be honest, Sky was a little relieved when that day, Phayu had to go out of town on business, so Rain's plan to break up with Phayu could be delayed.

"Rain... you've thought about it carefully... are you really serious about breaking up with Phi Phayu?" Sky asked, trying to reassure him, rethinking his decision.

"sky.. you've asked that question many times and my answer is still the same... I'll still break up with phi phayu" Rain replied firmly,

"I have called phi phayu, today I will go to phi phayu's house to finish everything" Rain added.

"rain... you and phi phayu have been dating since high school, are you really going to break up with phi phayu?" asked sky again

"I've thought about it carefully sky, you don't need to worry. Besides, what phi phayu did this time is unforgivable. He broke his promise with me" sky wrinkled his forehead, he really knows if phayu broke his promise to rain but sky doesn't know what promise he made to make rain angry and want to break up with phayu.

"Actually, what promise did Phayu break?" Sky asked curiously

" A promise about ......" Rain didn't have time to continue his sentence because his cellphone rang. Rain picked up the phone which turned out to be from Phayu.

"yes phi.. oh phi phayu already downstairs? .. ok I'll go down" said rain to phayu

"sky.. phi phayu has picked me up... I'll go first" said rain again

"Rain.... whatever the result, let me know," shouted Sky and Rain only answered by giving a thumbs up
Rain saw Phayu's motorbike parked in front of Sky Dorm, Rain walked over to Phayu. Phayu smiled when he saw rain coming towards him.

" Hey honey... Have you been waiting a long time? Sorry, I'm late. Father told me to deliver the documents to Uncle Kinn first," said Phayu while putting a helmet on Rain.

" Umm " hearing rain only answered with a sigh phayu frowned.

" What's wrong ? "asked phayu, phayu realized that there was something wrong with rain. Rain close his eyes before sighed.

"phi phayu.. we have to talk" said rain while looking at phayu. Realizing the seriousness in rain's eyes phayu nodded.

"Have you eaten? Do you want to eat first?" asked Phayu trying to lighten the mood.

"No need, we just go home" Rain said flatly.

"Okay" Phayu said weakly because he couldn't persuade Rain.

Arriving at Phayu's house, he immediately put the motorbike into the garage, while Rain immediately entered the house without saying a word to Phayu. Phayu is amazed to see his lover's attitude. After finishing entering the motorbike, Phayu followed his lover into the house.

" Rain... what's wrong with you ?" asked Phayu, who had been amazed by his girlfriend's attitude.

" phi phayu .... let's end our relationship " phayu who heard this froze on the spot.

" What did you say rain ? " Phayu asked, rain sighed and said one more time

"Phi phayu... I want us to break up" said Rain

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