18_ La Rosa ( Uknow Yunho ft Shin Yeeun )

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I wanted to believe it was love
Even though everyone tried to stop me
Even though I cut myself on the end of the sharp thorn
And turned red
If I try to hold on tighter
I get hurt deeper
But even if it hurts, I can't let go, you and me
(I'm still in love with you)

Uea took a deep breath, now he can't do anything because of his injury. He wanted to go back to sleep but he couldn't because he had slept so long last night. Uea was confused about what to do because it was difficult for him to stand up, he could only sit. When uea was deep in thought, he heard someone call his name.

"Uea... are you resting?" asked the voice.

"Yes?" replied uea, shouting a little so that his voice could be heard because now uea was in the house.

"I'm coming in" replied the voice, when Uea looked towards the door. Uea saw Chief Phupha coming with a basket of food (?).

"Chief .." said uea slowly

"I brought you food, I know you will be bored while waiting for King to finish teaching" Phupha said.

"Are you bored here?" Phupha asked again, Uea nodded.

"Ok...I'm sorry beforehand" Phupha's words confused Uea, but not long after Uea was surprised when Phupa picked him up and took him outside. Uea who was shocked subconsciously wrapped his arms around Phupha's neck.

"Chief" said Uea, screaming a little because he was shocked, Phupha immediately sat Uea on a chair in front of the house. Uea's face blushed slightly when he hugged Phupha, Phupa's body was so stocky and strong. Uea is increasingly convinced of where King got that strong body figure. Phupha immediately opened the food he brought earlier.

"Try it, you can eat while waiting for the king" said Phupa. Uea nodded. Phupha kept staring at Uea making Uea nervous.

"Chief... is there something on my face?" asked Uea nervously. Phupha shook his head.

" No... I'm just curious how you and King became friends. You two are in different majors right? Have you been friends long enough?" Phupha asked, Uea who heard Phupha's question immediately stopped eating and looked at Phupha.

"..." uea just stared at phupha's face but didn't say anything.

"I'm sorry if I got too involved in your affairs with king, but I'm just curious about King's daily life there. You know I live here more than in the city and since the boy lives in the city I rarely know his progress so I'm curious what his life is like there, Is he okay or not?" Phupha said honestly. Uea only stared at Phupha, even though Phupha looked scary and tough, Uea felt that Phupha really cared about King.

"oh...sorry...if you don't want to tell me that's fine.." Phupha had not had the chance to continue what he was saying when Uea decided to speak.

"We met because Sky was dating Phai and he came to confront me to break up with Phai," answered Uea.

"really? did he do something to you?" uea bit his lip before shaking his head slowly. Uea didn't want Phupha to know the real story so he decided to lie.

"I'm sorry if he hurt you, that child really loves Sky, so sometimes he likes to act beyond reason," said Phupha.

"Chief... didn't ask me why he hit me" asked Uea curiously, Phupha just chuckled softly.

"Tian once told me that Sky was dating someone who already had a boyfriend, but I don't know if Phai's other girlfriend is you. And I don't know if King beat you up." Phupha said

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