17_ Love in The Ice ( Tohoshinki )

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It's not your fault those hands are freezing
Borne from those childish days, you carry the scars
Are you afraid to love someone?
You pretend not to see the other side of the words

Like ice, your embraced heart
Slowly starts to thaw

For anyone to be loved by someone
Makes life in this world shine
If it was me, I'd make your
Heart warm once more
With eternal tenderness

King woke up when he heard a groaning sound, king rubbed his eyes to clear his vision and it turned out that the source of the sound was coming from uea. King immediately approached the uea.

" Uea .... Uea " King shook uea's body slowly but uea didn't open his eyes. King was a little worried when he saw that uea's body was wet with sweat, King touched uea forehead and King could feel that uea have a fever.

" Uea ... " Said king again but uea didnt open his eyes, king became worried. King went out to get a basin and a wet towel. When the king returned with a basin and towel, king saw uae crying in his sleep.

" No.. No... Ughm.. No ... No... No.. NOOO " Uea screamed, king ran towards uea.

"Uea .. are you okay?" asked king worried, uea who was not fully aware immediately hugged king unconsciously.

" Huuuuhuhuhuu hiks ... Huhuhuhu... Hiks.. Huuuhhuu " uae kept sobbing while hugging king tightly, king who was confused could do nothing but hug uae back and tried to calm uae by gently stroking uae's back.

"its okay...everything will be fine" said king while continuing to rub uea's back.
King patiently continued to calm uea who didn't stop crying, after quite a while uea finally stopped crying.

"Are you done?" Asked king, Uea nodded

"Your body is hot, it looks like the wound on your leg is what makes you have a fever. I'll get some medicine for you to drink," said the king as he let go of his embrace on uea. King took medicine and drinking water stored on the table and returned to uea.

"Let's drink the medicine first," said king while holding out the glass and fever medicine, but Uea shook his head slowly indicating he didn't want to take the medicine.

" Uea " King tried to persuade Uea, but Uea still didn't want to take the medicine.

"UEA" king unconsciously yelled at uae and when uea looked at him with watery eyes king became guilty, king took a deep breath trying to calm his anger.

" Uea if you don't take the medicine your fever will get worse "said king again. But uae still remained in his stance not wanting to take the medicine. Again king sighed. King had no other choice, King put fever medicine along with water into his mouth then with a little force King held Uea's chin and immediately kissed Uea's lips. Uea was surprised when King bit his lips gently, making Uea open his mouth. This was used by King to enter the medicine that King had been keeping in his mouth.

King let go of uea's kiss when king was sure uea had swallowed the medicine. Uea's face reddened when king let go of the kiss. King stroked uea's hair gently.

"go back to sleep" king turned to look at uea when he felt uea tugging on his shirt.

"Why?" asked king, uea looked at king with a face that was getting redder with fever and embarrassment.

"Where are you... going?" asked uea trembling, his voice hoarse.

"I will put a glass and fill the water in the basin to compress your forehead, the water I brought spilled earlier" said king explaining to uea, but Uea shook his head again slowly.

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