First Day!

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We are walking into the dining hall and that's when we see all the food. Wow.

I gently fix my wig, feeling it start to slip. Mother gets upset when it does because I'm a natural purplette. I don't know how, though, but I don't ask anymore.

"Why don't you guys go fix yourself a plate? If you need anything, just reach out, okay?" Mal and Ben smile at us.

We nod and head off, running towards the food. I grab a plate for DiDi, and the boys grab their own.

"Hello dearies, you must be new, I'm Mrs. Potts. How are you liking Auradon"

"Oh it's great, and the food smells better. Mhhhhmm, I am so hungry" Sawyer laughs.

"I think it's really great" I smile back.

"You look familiar to me. You remind me of someone," she sighs, fixing our plates.

"I-I do?" I stutter. In honesty, the statement caught me off guard.

She nods, giving me a warm smile. After a moment of awkward silence, we thank her as she gives us our plate.

"Look! There's a table" Aaron says, pointing. He runs over and claims the table while waiting for the rest of us to get there.

"So what classes and clubs are you all planning on taking?" Sawyer asks as we dig in. I fixed a small plate for Dewy as he ate his food.

"Well, don't we have required classes? I think it is Auradonian History, Chemistry, Remedial Goodness 101, Geometry, English, and then we get to pick two, right?" DiDi questions.

"I think that's how it works" Aaron says, "I'm going to do woodshop and parkour"

"I might do fencing and kickboxing."

"These are classes you can take?" I ask, shocked.

Normally, it's not that many options.

"Apparently" Sawyer says, shrugging, "are you taking Fashion class and Culinary class?"

"Duh" DiDi giggles, "and I'm going to be a cheerleader too. Tryouts are soon. M, you should try out too!"

"Um while that would be absolutely torturous, uh- I'm going to have to decline." I smirk as DiDi playfully rolls her eyes.

"So what classes are you taking?" Aaron questions getting back on track.

"Art, and maybe Literature-"

"Hey guys-oh, sorry for interrupting. I was just wondering if you would like to sit with us over there," Una says, pointing to the group sitting at one of the round tables.


I look around at the others, and they shrug.

"Sure...we'd love to" I smile back.

"Okay, great!" She answers leading us to the group, "So this is Ava Aunt Evie and Uncle Doug's daughter, Gabe Uncle Gil and Aunt Rachel's son, and Aiden Aunt Lonnie and Uncle Jay's son. Guys, this is Heidi, Aaron, Sawyer, and um M?"

"Yep" Malina says, popping the "p".

For some reasons she doesn't like people knowing her name or being called it. That's why we just call her M instead.

"Hi, I'm so glad you're here. Come sit down" Eva beams.

"So are you all liking Auradon?" Aiden asks.

"Yes, it is amazing here" Aaron exclaims.

"I love it here!" DiDi gushes, "I feel like I'm in a dream!"

"Want me to pinch you?" Gabe laughs.

"Nooo" she quickly smiles.

"Hey what's that?" He points at M's shoulder.

Dewy quickly hides in M's hair.

"Dewy it's okay" M coos gently. It's a tone we never hear from M and a tone that we never mention around her.

Dewy quickly comes out and settles on M's palm. He's pretty small but big enough that he perfectly fits on her shoulder.

"This is Dewy, I'm not exactly sure what he is, but he's like a best friend for an animal"

"He's such a cutie" Eva grins.

"How long have you had him?" Una asks.

"Um a while actually"

"I've known him since we became friends" I add.

I nod in agreement, and then we get on the discussion of other things in Auradon.

For the rest of the afternoon and evening we get shown around but our new friends.


We start our new schedules today, and Im actually pretty excited to start.

I have Auradonian History, Parkour, Geometry, and then lunch.

"Hey guys" I smile, sitting down at the table for lunch.

"Aaron how's the day going?" Aiden asks.

"Pretty normal. What about everyone else?" I ask.

"Fashion class was amazing " DiDi smiles as Eva butts in, "We did so good"

They high five, and then Una speaks up, "Guess what?"

"What?" We all wonder.

"So Charlie, that's King Chad and Queen Audrey's son. Anyway, at swim, he and Matt, Queen Melody and King Thomas's son, fought over this one girl in my history class, Julia. Matt pushed Charlie into the pool, and Charlie said his parents would start an embargo with Matt's Kingdom."

"Really this is what you guys fight over?" Sawyer laughs.

"Yep, pretty stupid stuff," Gabe sighs, shaking his head.

We continue to eat and talk before M, DiDi, and Sawyer, and I have to go to Remedial Goodness 101 class.


"Welcome guys, please take a seat" I think Jane says.

I look around, and I see some other VKs as well. I guess we're required to attend.

"So why don't you introduce yourselves."

"Oh uh I'm Heidi-"

"I'm Aaron...we're twins"

"I'm M"

"And I'm Sawyer, Shan Yu's grandson"

"Well welcome, so this class is all about being kind and promoting goodness. Let's get started... If you find a weapon, do you a)report b)steal it c)use it or d) sell it?"

"M, what do you think?" Jane asks.

M suddenly looks up. I look over at her paper and see a drawing of a woman with purple hair and similar features to herself. It looked a little like Queen Mal. She blushes and ducks her head. Slowly, she raises it and mutters,


"Well done!" Jane praises making M go redder.

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