The Lake Gathering

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⚠️ Warning: almost drowning ⚠️ (don't worry everything works out)

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We are gathered together, and I mean all of us at the Enchanted Lake. Belle, Evie and Jane were talking with Eva and I in the lake.

“M! Get in!” Una yells climbing on Gabe’s shoulders.

I climb onto Sawyers shoulders before shooting M a playful smile. The adults laugh as we start to chicken fight. Una and Gabe are pretty good at this, but Sawyer and I are from the Isle. We know how to fight.

Ava is sunbathing with her pink and purple sunglasses and match bikini. Next to her laying on a mini chair is Dewy with mini sunglasses relaxing sipping a mini drink. It was quite cute.

The other kids including Carson, Callie, Mason, Griffin and Blake were all playing in the lake too. The adults were crowded chatting in a group, watching their kids have fun. Meanwhile M was sitting with her feet in the water on the side of the ledge just watching.

"Come on!" Gabe laughs, "You can do better than that."

"Oh please" I chuckle.

Una pushes hard, making me almost fall off Sawyer's shoulders, but luckily, Sawyer was hanging on to my feet too. We stumble back but Sawyer gets his footing before pushing back. We keep going as the boys go at it. After a solid 10 minutes Sawyer advances and swipes Gabe off his feet and Una off his shoulders. Sawyer gently lowers me down as we celebrate our victory.

M smiles up and comment, "Nice foot work Sawyer"

"Ay Ay captain" He smirks.

"But...Gabe and Una, your defense was solid," M adds.

"That's because of Uncle Jay and Aunt Lonnie. Self defense lessons." Gabe replies.

"Okay, okay, our turn" Ben smiles, getting up and grabbing Mal's hand convincing her to join.

Doug smiles, looking at Evie, who playfully shakes her head and says, "I've got babies" motioning to Danny and Bea who were giggling on her lap.

"What about you Carlos?"

"Jane can't" Carlos reponds smiling and pulling Jane onto his lap, giving her a peck on the lips.

"We will" Lonnie grins, pulling Jay along with her.

All the kids stop and watch them get into formation before the fight begins. Jay is really good and swiping at the feet, but surprisingly Mal is just as good at defense. Everyone is laughing and watching as Ben gets pulled under, Mal falling off his shoulders.

"M, you should join us," Ben smiles.

"You know what would be fun?" Mal questions, "We could do cliff diving," pointing to the rock formation where Ben has dived off.

"Oh, I'm down" Doug smiles before getting up.

"So are we" said most of the kids.

"M, do you want to join?" Belle asks, looking up from her book to see her granddaughter still sitting in the same spot.

"Uh, I'm not sure. I'm not a fan of the water" M admits.

"Okay, you can stay here with us" Ariana suggest, because just as her daughter can see, M is being truthful in the present moment and expressing genuine feeling.

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They line up on the rock, Ben going first. Just like before he makes everyone laugh by channeling his inner beast,

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