Cheer Tryouts and the Woman in my Dreams

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After Remedial Goodness and the rest of the day, I go to the field and cheer DiDi on. She has cheerleading tryouts, and it's super important to her.

"M, Aaron, you came!"

"We wouldn't miss it" I grin with Dewy on my shoulder and Aaron standing next to me.

Sawyer joined the fencing team, and so he's at practice. He wanted to be there but their fencing teacher Mrs. Lonnie, the daughter of the famous Mulan, asked for them to come to the opening meeting.

"Go get 'em! DiDi!" We cheer from the roped off area.


"Hi, I'm Angie, granddaughter of Anna and Kristoff also, the Captain of the Cheersquad, and I am so happy you all are here. This year will be a great one and we are so excited for our new members. Now, do not worry about this tryout. We just want to see what you've got."

One by one, the girls go up and cheer. I'm so nervous, so I look up to the stands to see M and Aaron nodding and smiling. It immediately puts me to ease, which is good because next they call,

"Heidi Hearts, you're next!"

I walk up in front of the other girls with the pom poms they let me borrow and start to cheer!

"Ready Okay!
Auradon gets up and cheers
I want to hear you loud and clear
We're gonna fight, and we're gonna win
We're here to sing, and we're here to shout
We're here to win right here right now!
Let's go!"

I finish with some jumps and then a split, and everyone cheers.

"Yes! DiDi, you got it!" I hear them yell.

I beam and go back to sit. After we cheered for the rest of the girls, we waited for their decision.

"Congratulations! Heidi Hearts, Meredith, Azzy, Poppy, and Sydney, you made it!"

We all got up and yelled and screamed. I suddenly get tackled from behind and turn to see Aaron.

"Congrats sis"

"Nice job, DiDi. You are amazing" M smiles widely.

"Wait!-" we hear someone yell. I turn around and see Sawyer running down to meet us.

"Did you make it?" He gasps, trying to catch his breath.

I pause for suspense and then yell, "yes!"

"Oh my gods! Yes! Congrats!" He screams and hugs me.

"How was practice?" Aaron asks.

We separate, and Sawyer answers, "It was great! I love fencing, and it turns out I'm pretty good at it." he turns to Aaron, "How is Woodshop and Art?"

"It's fascinating. Right now, we're making birdhouses, and then we get to paint them and hang them up." He tells us.

"Wow, that sounds cool. Art is good, Former Queen Rapunzel runs in, and sometimes Queen Mal comes in, too."

"Does she know your Mother Gothel's daughter?" I ask worriedly.

"Yeah, but she's never really brought it up. She's actually kinda nice" M smiles.


DiDi and I are walking back to the dorm when she speaks up,

"So who were you drawing in Remedial Goodness?"

"A lady in my dreams. She appears once in a while."

"She looks like Queen Mal"

I furrow my eyebrows, thinking. She's not wrong. It does look like her. But why would I be dreaming about her?

"M- watch out-" but it was too late. I walk into someone, and I fall down. Dewy tumbles beside.

A hand immediately reaches out, and it's not DiDi's.

I stand up, picking up Dewy, making sure he's okay and meet eye to eye with King Ben.

"Y-you-r majesty. I-I'm so sorry. I wasn't paying attention and-"

But he cuts me off, "No-no it was my fault, I was caught up in my head - are you okay?"

I nod, and he smiles, "I'm sorry I haven't been able to really spend time with you all just with everything and my kids-"

"Don't worry, we're good, thanks " I smile strained.

He nervously sighs, "well I better get going. See you both later?"

"See ya" we say in unison before walking off.

"So anyway" DiDi giggles, "You've been dreaming of the Queen?"

"Since I was little. But I didn't realize. The image was always blurry, but then last night, her face got more detailed. I was sketching it to see if it might help"

"Interesting," she comments.

We change the subject and keep chatting until we finish the rest of the day.


"Yo I see them now" I tell the rest of the table when Sawyer, Aaron, DiDi, and M walk in for dinner.

"Guys over here!" Gabe called.

They fix themselves a plate before walking over and plopping down.

"What's up guys, are you all ready for tomorrow?" Aiden sadly asks.

"What's tomorrow? And what's wrong, you all look really sad" M notices.

"Tomorrow is the anniversary of the Lost Princess of Auradon."

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