Chapter 16

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Wednesday rose from her bed, swiftly, like a zombie rising from the grave. She as always closely resembled one. Wednesday stood up, almost stepping on Enid but noticing her on the floor before she did so. She didn't want to risk touching a unicorn plushie, or Enid for that matter.

"She not only acts like a baby, she sleeps like one, too," Wednesday thought. She continued staring at Enid as if it were a one-sided staring contest. She finally made an attempt to wake up Enid, who had curled into a fetal position with her rainbow sheep plushie tightly strapped to her chest as she hugged it.

"Enid." She started, watching as Enid didn't even take a slight notice of the sound of her voice. Once again she would try, but louder, "Enid." Wednesday was getting slightly annoyed at this girl, who acted like a clingy puppy to its owner. "Enid, wake up."

"Whu-AH!" Enid jumped as her half-asleep brain took the pale girl for some sort of ghoulish monster. Standing right over her from where she slept. Her shocked wide-eyed gaze gradually softened as she recognized it was only her roommate. She rubbed her eyes. "Jeez, Wednesday- what's wrong?"

Wednesday's eyes continued to track Enid's, creating uncomfortable eye contact that held as much tension as someone freshly hung at the gallows. "What do you think you're doing?" she asked with a stern tone.

Enid stayed silent while giving Wednesday an embarrassed look. Wednesday continued to stare, waiting for her question to be answered. It was almost baffling to Wednesday how Enid would really want to be this close to her after everything. How stupid. No matter how much Wednesday avoided her, she always eventually managed to claw her way back.

Enid finally began to mutter out some words in a nervous tone. She was bright red and looked embarrassed at the question. "Well..."

Wednesday remained silent as Enid forced out her words, yet her eyes showed just how impatient she was becoming. "The movie really scared me, so I was like, 'I can't sleep, my mind is alive! I'm gonna go sleep next to my roomie so I can be less scared!'" Enid quickly admitted.

Wednesday's impatient stare faded into one of annoyance. "I told you, it's just a movie." She began to pick up Enid's plushies one by one with two fingers as if she was a crab disposing of garbage and threw them back onto Enid's bed.

"I know, but... It's still scary." She looks away with self-consciousness at her own cowardice, feeling small and helpless, something which Wednesday looked down upon.

"Enid, you're weak. You remind me of Pugsley," She expressed with a hint of disgust in her voice. Sighing softly, she looked around the room as she thought of what to say before back down at her. "So what will aid you in falling asleep since your feeble mind can't comprehend the concept of fiction?" Wednesday sounded both tired and slightly annoyed that she had to deal with this childish girl.

"Well, when I was a kid and had nightmares- my dad would let me sleep in his bed with him, and that usually helped," Enid looked away in embarrassment as she admitted this, the darkness of the room in the night hiding her flushed cheeks.

Wednesday would have groaned out loud if she didn't know better, "Don't tell me you're insinuating I let you in my bed." She grit her teeth watching the werewolf girl make puppy dog eyes at her, she would rather die by melting in a pit of acid than agree to something like that. She still imagined Enid as a horrid disease that she desperately needed to avoid despite every outside force pushing them closer together.

Enid knew Wednesday wouldn't agree to it right off the bat, at least not without countless boundaries being placed beforehand. "I mean- it'll only be just this once, I promise I'll never bug you again.! Plus, staying in that prison cell really shook me up, Wednes. Please?"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2023 ⏰

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