Chapter 14

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Approaching the school's gates, the two girls both felt a mixture of both relief and resentment. They still didn't dare to even mutter a word to each other, but their eyes spoke a lot more than their words could.

Weems cleared her throat, "Well, girls, you're finally back. I should inform you that you two are staying behind for the next outreach day... I've talked it over with the sheriff, and it's the best way to be absolutely certain that you won't cause trouble again."

To Wednesday, this news was good, so she didn't argue. Enid, however, was simply exhausted. After everything that happened, Enid's only thoughts were returning to Thing and her plushies, so she didn't argue. The car stopped, and Weems exited. She carefully approached the backseat of the car, trying to stay stable above the rough ground with her heels.

Weems approached the car's backseat door, reaching her hand out to open it, but Wednesday did that herself. She squeezed out of the narrow car's exit and Enid followed after.

Weems sternly stared at them both and patiently waited for them both to step onto the rocky terrain, "Before you two go, I need you both in my office." She immediately began walking towards the school's doors.

Enid and Wednesday both followed her side by side. Enid glanced at Wednesday and tried to quietly get her words out, "What do you think she wants?!

Wednesday still faced forward, following through the school's door, "Perhaps she's going to lecture us on our behavior. Well, whatever the reason may be, we've already had our punishment."

Enid looked forward again, trying to seem confident, but considering the situation, she was visibly nervous. The halls were silent because of how early in the morning they had arrived, it was eerily silent deemed they were heading right for the principal's office. Wednesday swore she could not only hear her own blood thrumming, but Enid's as well.

The office door creaked as Weems slowly opened it. She entered before the girls and took a seat, and gestured for them to sit down. They both walked to the two seats in front of Weems' desk and pulled them out to sit.

"So... Girls, I think it's time to discuss what happened at Uriah's Heap." Principal Weems' tone was solemn as she looked back and forth between the werewolf and the goth.

Wednesday glared at Weems while Enid was doing the exact opposite, trying not to be met with those judging eyes of disapproval. After a moment's silence, Wednesday looked at Enid, "What's there to discuss? I had only told Enid to do her job, perhaps a bit harshly, but I wasn't the one who initiated physical contact," She lifted her bandaged palms to show Weems, "this is what Enid caused."

"That is totally not fair!" Enid began, turning from Wednesday to Weems, "She started saying to me how I was doing it all wrong!"

Weems sighed, "Enid, Wednesday, enough. Tell me exactly what happened. The unbiased truth."

Wednesday just wanted this to be over with so she could catch up on her novel. "You want the truth? I will tell you with no exaggerated details. The whole truth. But after this, you can't punish either of us any more or try shoving us together like two rats in a cage again." Weems stared at Wednesday with focused eyes. "At Uriah's Heap, we were given the task of combing the dead rodents. Enid was not being very productive, so I made an attempt to show her, and she got angry because I hadn't spoken to her since our last disagreement. She pushed me into a shelf, it fell, I was injured, and the shopkeeper called the police." Wednesday looked straight into Weems' eyes.

"B-but- But-" Enid stuttered, looking at Wednesday and Weems. She couldn't argue with the whole truth, it wasn't who she was.

Wednesday stared back at Enid, "But what? You cannot dispute the truth of what has already been said or done."

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