Chap 10| Slamming doors in people faces like it was a job

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After the race one asshole thought it would be fun and try to cut off my hair. I turned around and hit my check with his blade. At that point, I was pissed, so I did what all teenager that are racer do. I tackle him to the ground and punch the lights out him and kick him where he probably can't have babies. I take off my jacket and put on my desk's chair. Then I decide to take another shower to get off any dried blood. I mean not my blood I broke the guy's nose and probably 3 of his ribs.

Once I get out I notice a bruise forming on my right side of my body. Where the guy had punch me this bruise was prabably little compared to him. I get dress in sweatshirt and legging. Then drop on my bed and Fall asleep.

Then next morning I woke up and look in the mirror. The gash on my cheek is long. It start a little lower then my eye and stop just before my mouth. Oh well the guy can't prabably walk for week so we're even. I walk down stairs, to find a note on the table.


Will be gone for two days my sister fell and hurt her leg, call if you need anything!

- love Cleo

Phewww that was close one but, don't get me wrong I'll miss her. I decide to skip school its friday and I don't what questions about my cheek. I started making pancakes.

When I finish eating I put my plate in the sink. I was halfway up the stairs when the doorbell rang. Who the heck could that be? I walk towards the window and look out the window towards the person who was standing there. What to take a guess? If you guess Hunter you are... Wrong. It's the mailman.

I open the door, to a probably a year older guy he is kinda cute, I greet him.

"Are you Aj?" He asks, while holding a medium size box.


"Sign here." He hands me the little machine. I sign it, he hands me the box and I put on the floor next to the door.

"I'm Andy, say maybe we could go get a coffee sometime." He asks.

"Hi Andy! Meet my door maybe you could take it for coffee." That when I shut the door in his face and roll my eyes. Well that went well. I pick up the box and take it to my room. I sit on my bed and rip the tap off. I open the box to find a note.

Dear Aj,

I got you something from France it remind me of you, but the way dad really misses you and which that you were here. If your wondering the twins got into trouble here in France. Oh when you get the chance call me I have to tell you something, you may kill me for.

Love, Brandon.

I look in the box and gasp, it a medium size shelby mustang that made out of medal. I'm surprised that brandon sent this. I look at the time it only 8:30 am. I did the quick math it 2:30 pm there, I'll wait to call him later. I put the medal car on my dresser, then I notice that my name is engraved on the hood. I stare at for moment, then I look around my room.

Since I have nothing else better to do I go to are movie theater room, and decide to have a Bones marathon. I make popcorn and start at season 6 (my favorite season!)

When I'm done with the season I starting crying, My favorite assistant gets killed off in this season which make me sad every time. Oh well, I get up and turn off the movie screen, I walk up to the kitchen and start looking for food. I settle on chocolate milk and a cookie, then I walk up to my room.

Grrr, I just remember I have to help Hunter today. do you think If I tell him I'm about to jump off cliff and can't help him, he'll by it? Nah, Then he will try to save me you know that 'I am the person who save you now, go make me food.' Because Hunter is that kind of guy.

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