Chapter 1| Life

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I'm sitting in the library eating lunch like usually. Making a list for things I need for my 98' ford truck. (Because who's needs friends when you have books and trucks?)

- new motor

- new steering wheel

-new wheel barring's

- etc

Lets just say this truck needs a lot of work and many new parts.

The bell rings. I'm off to science. Yay. (Note the sarcasm).

I sit in the way back and just do my math home work. Miss. Rolem could careless she just sits at her desk and reads magazines, then starts crying of how she can't find a boyfriend. Every time she starts crying about it, I want to yell 'That sounds like you problem'.

The bell rings and bolt out of the room. Once I was the last person out of there and I ended up patting Miss. Rolem on the back, while she told me her life problems. Now that science is over now for language arts. Last subject of the day, happy dancing in my mind. I walk down the halls with my head down. When I run into someone. I look up and I find a hot boy glaring at me and were not talking like 'Oh he's hot'. I'm talking about knees go weak and wanting to hide in a locker to watch his beautiful self walk by. Which by the way is Hunter Redmen the school bad boy, good to know I just ran into him. If he kills me well theses were the best 18 years of my life.

"S-s-sorry." I stutter in a little louder than a whisper. Trying to look at his shoes, which were by the way really nice and new.

"Watch where your going." He hissed with venom. If he was a snake, I think he would have bit me and watch me die.

I pick up one of his school's book and handed back to him.

"S-sorry." I said again. He keep his glare on me than push past me.

Great going Aj, you just mange to piss of the bad boy even more. Which calls for a grand celebration of I'm going to get locked into a locker later for that.

I walk into language arts I sit in the back and look out the window. I stare in the parking lot at my car. My Shelby Cobra Mustang Convertible. One of my favorite things I own, Is my trucks, cars and my motorcycle.

The bell rings and everybody disperses, School is finally over. Now I'm off to lacrosse.

~ 2 hours later~

I grab my last bag and start heading towards my car. Known as Shelby. I look down in my bag looking for my car keys and I run into someone yet again. Great, twice in one day I run into someone. That's it, I'm going to get a blinker and put it on my head to stop people from walking in my way.

I look up, Hunter looking Down right at me. Oh great I ran into the snake again, looks like he's going to hit me with his bike.

"S-s-sorry a-again" I said with a small smile, awkwardly looking away from him.

"What with you and running into me?" He said in a unpleasing mood.

"You're in the wrong place in the wrong time? Or your just manget of hot dizzy blonde." I say the second part under my breathe. His beautiful ocean blue eyes stared at me like I was idiot. Great, he prabably thinks that I'm dumb blonde looking for excuse to talk to him.

"Whatever." He said rolling his eyes.

I quickly walk past him, gripping my key in my hand tightly. I get to my car and open the top so, I can have the wind blow though my hair. I put my stuff in the truck. I get in and start Shelby up. (Ya, I named all my cars go head and judge me!) I start digging in my purse for my phone. When I felt like someone was staring at me...

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