Chapter 4| Pistol Annie

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^Aj picture ^

Aj's p.o.v.

Hunter came up beside me at the stop light. I gave him a devilish smirk.

The light turn green. I took off, it took him a minute to catch up. I hope he has time because we are going to the track.


I swing into the track. One of the body guards stops us. I stand up from my motorcycle and lift my shirt. On my side of my right hip. I have a tattoo thats says Pistol Annie.

"He's with me." I say pointing at the horn potato.

"If your racing today kick some ass will ya!" Jack said giving me his warm smile.

"You got it." I said smiling back.

He lifted the gate and we went through. Ok, so I'm a racer with Leo and my '68 Shelby Mustang. I'm undefeated. No one can beat my strategy, speed, and my motorcycle or car.

There's another thing too, I change my hair a lot. I have many different wigs so, no one can figure out who I am.

I pull up to the sign and Hunter pulls up beside me.

"Why are we here?" He ask looking confused.

I pointed at the sign. It reads Pistol Annie vs Hunter Redmen. 8:30 tomorrow night.

He looked at me smirking. So he's up for the challenge. I figured sense he wanted to follow me around like a stalker, why not race and see what he's got.

"Hey Pistol Annie the guy who owes you money is here." Jack yelled out.

I got off my motorcycle and put the kickstand down. Hunter started to do the same thing I motion him to stop. He ignored me. Men, I mentally roll my eyes.

I took off my helmet but kept my sunglasses on. I walked over to Jack.

"Where's the asshole." I said harshly. Hopefully Hunter doesn't figure out it me through my voice.

"Over there." Jack said pointing at the guy. The guy is bigger then me but I take him.

"Thanks." I said. Walking over to him I started to crack my knuckles.

"Where's my money?" I yelled. Hunter still behind me. Following along like a lost puppy.

"I don't owe anything." He snorted crossing his arms.

"If I recalled I won twice in a row. You own me 800 dollars. Pay up." I said.

"What are you going to do about if I don't pay you?" He said. I smirk this guy wants to die.

"You'll see soon enough." I say with dark evil laugh.

Before he could blink I punch him in his jaw. Then a kidney punch, Then I hit my knee in to his gut, Couple times. After that I punch him in his nose. He falls to the floor. I grab his collar and lifted him a little off the ground.

"Listen buddy. You have until friday to give me my 800 dollars. If I don't have by then.*I laugh evilly.* I'll do worse to you. Got it?" I said slamming his collar down. Which cause him to hit his head.

"Got it Pistol Annie." He said weakly.

"Good." I said walking away.

Hunter stood there with his month hanging wide open.

"You better close your month, or you'll catch flys."

"H-h-how..... He's bigger then you... What hell just happen!" He said shaking his head.

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