Chap 18| The sexiness that is your boyfriend

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"A single thread of hope is still a very powerful thing." - unknown


"SO YOU ARE DATING?!" Cleo shrinks with excitement.

I laugh "Yes, I'm official taken."

"I need details! You are my favorite and I'm not letting my favorite child end with a douche." Cleo says with a big smile on her face.

"I told him I was pistol Annie right before we took off to race. Afterwords he took me behind the a building and ask me why. Then he said he was fascinated with me then he ask me out." I say shrugging. Cleo gave me a cup of tea and she was still smiling like a fool.

"I told you!" Cleo shrinks again.

"Told me what?" I ask laughing.

"That you are going to get married and have a bunch of cute babies that I get watch and be the godmother of." She says winking and clapping.

"You are delusional." I shake my head and laugh.

"I'm just stating facts." She says with her hands up. "Oh by the way, Brandon called you need to call him right away, it's important." She says with a serious face.

"Oh ya, I forgot about that. How important is it?" I ask sipping my tea.

"Very." She says making a cup of tea for herself.

"Okay, I'll go do that now." I say grabbing my tea cup and heading up stairs. When I get to my room I pick up my phone and dial his number.

"Hey, Aj." Brandon picks up on the second ring.

"Hey big brother of mine." I say cheerfully.

"Wow, someone is in a good mood." He says with a chuckle.

"Yep I am. Oh by the way thanks for the metal car." I say looking over at it.

"You're welcome."

"So, how are you liking online college?" I ask. Since he started traveling he switch to online schooling.

"Pretty good, I like it. Umm... Aj I have to tell you something important." He says kinda nervously.

"Okay." I say sipping my tea.

" do I say this." Brandon stalled.

"Spit it out already." I say rolling my eyes

"I got Nicole laker pregnant." I spit out my tea.

"YOU DID WHAT?!" I yell.

"Umm... Ya." He says, I could see him rubbing the back of his neck.

"Brandon you are nineteen!" I exclaim.

"I know but, listen Aj I'm not leaving Nicole side. We got elope even, Nicole is a swell girl and you'll love her." He says with confidence.

"Okay Brandon but, if you ditch this baby so help me God I will murder you."

"Don't worry Aj, you can duck tape my 'little friend' to my leg if I do mess up." He says in a serious voice.

"How far is she?"

"4 months, we haven't had ultrasound to see if it's boy or a girl yet."

"Okay, so this happen when you guys just got up and left." I say rolling my eyes and feeling a pang of pain in my chest.

"Ya, pretty much." He laugh. "Oh and Nicole and I want you to be the godmother as well."

I started smiling again. "Really?" I ask in disbelief.

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