11 Drama

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Y/n POV: 

i just ate breakfast and was now on my way to the spot we're meeting for the chunin exams. when i got there, Sasuke and Naruto were as always fighting.

"NO WAY NO WAY I'M-" naruto was yelling then noticed me and cut himself off.

"Naruto? are you ok." I asked 

"yeah i'm fine Y/n..." Naruto said he was lying.  The next thing Naruto knew he was pushed into a tree by me. 

"who said what?" i asked menicingly Naruto sweat dropped. Sasuke seemed nervouse too.

"it's nothing Y/n!" Naruto Said. I backed off and started walking off, Naruto noticed how upset i was. "Y/n I-" Naruto started but i ran off crying. i heard Naruto and Sasuke yelling my name but i didn't care Naruto has never lied to me before.

Evantully i ended up at the academy and saw the swing. The Naruto Swing. it meant something to us, we even engraved our names on a branch from the tree it was on it read
"Y/n and Naruto Besties 4 life!" as i read it i heard Sasuke from behind me.

"Y/n? i'm sorry..." he said. i sighed.

"Naruto never lied to me before i didn't know how to handle it... that's all" i tried to convince Sasuke. he didn't buy it.

"Y/n It's my fault he lied we weren't fighting i just told him a secret that i want to stay secret." sasuke said. "i'm sorry..." he told me in the most sincere way i've ever heard.

"i accept your apology." i told him with a smile. "But what was this secret?" i asked. he froze for a second. then told me words i never expected.

"I li- no i have a crush on you Y/n." Sasuke's words were sincere and from the heart. he looked scared for a momment. I got closer to him and hugged him.

"I'm happy you feel the same." i told him. Sasuke hugged back. that's when Naruto came into the moment. i can tell couse he said.

"see Sasuke i told you." his response  was smug as all heck. but the next thing said scared me.

"You Baka." I heard Sakura say. i felt guilty in that momment realizing how many people wanted to be with Sasuke. i tried to Get out of the hug but sasuke just held me tighter.

"Sakura Never call Y/n a baka." Sasuke told Sakura.

"whatever..." Sakura said and layed off but as we walked inside for the chunin exams i could tell Sakura was glaring Daggers at me.

414 words see ya

Sasuke X reader love from the other sideWhere stories live. Discover now