33rd member- LilianaBerry2003

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33rd member of the book club: LilianaBerry2003

Enrolled Books:

Genre: teen fiction

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Genre: teen fiction

Blurb: Victoria has never known her biological parents and has spent her entire life in an orphanage. So when she was told that she's going to be adopted, she's ecstatic. But she has four new siblings and not all of them want a new sister. Will Victoria ever feel that she belongs in the Franklin family?

 Will Victoria ever feel that she belongs in the Franklin family?

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Genre: teen fiction

Blurb: Susan James comes from a middle-class family and due to her shy, bookish nature, she has trouble making friends. Everyone ignores her except for a charismatic girl named Cassie Trillin. Susan thinks that Cassie's life is perfect, but is it?

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