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**********Tora's POV***********

I stared at the small bundle of joy in my arms. Sadness pierced my heart and began to overtake me. Already I was filled with love for my newborn. There was no way that Adriel would let me find a way around the situation. I was so lost in my thoughts, a flash of movement caught my eye, I peered down towards the source of the movement and gasped.

"So blue..." I whispered to myself, my baby boy's eyes had finally opened and I was in a daze. Never in my lifetime had I seen such an electric blue on one of my people. It was almost as if he were slicing you with the glare of his eyes, which was an absurd thought since he was only a newborn, but I went with it anyway. "So beautiful..." I murmured, reaching down to stroke the porcelain pale skin of Blue. He would definitely be quite the handsome boy when he grew up, or at least among his people he would be.

But of course I squashed the thoughts of watching my boy grow up because it was virtually impossible. With the 50 year war taking place in our realm I would only be setting myself up for disaster if I decided to raise Blue here, that is why he must go. Adriel had been the one to come up with the idea, and as his wife I had gone along with it because at times like these one could not afford to be selfish. These thoughts swam around inside my head as I absentmindedly stroked the soft material if the blanket encasing Blue. "One day my son...One day I will come for you, and you will be ready..." The whispered words carried down to the soft, triangular ears of Blue, who twitched with a slight acknowledgement of the words.

A loud thump sounded from outside the room and I quickly set down Blue and stood abruptly. A quiet mewl sounded from his lips in protest but I knew our time together was over. With great determination I pushed my body which was still weak from the pregnancy to kneel on the hard floor, Blue's mewls grew louder. I quickly mumbled some words in the language of our realm as I drew the symbol for a portal on the floor with my nails. A blinding flash if light lit up the room and Blue was now wailing. Quickly pushing myself up from the ground I strained my ears for more noise outside the room. The footsteps were getting closer. I was running out of time.

Gathering Blue into my frail arms I watched as the portal drew itself from the ground. Blue's wails were now falling on deaf ears, for I was now too focused on the sound of the oncoming footsteps and the furious beating of my heart. As the portal finished shaping itself in the air, I wrapped Blue tighter in the blanket, and kissed the smooth surface of his head. One lone tear dripped from my eye and onto Blue's nose, in my haste to save Blue I hadn't noticed the seepage from my eyes. It didn't matter now, there was no going back, the portal was drawn. Squeezing Blue for the last time I ignored the volume increase of his cries and threw him into the portal just as the door to the room flew open.

My baby was safe.


Prologue! Tell me what you think! ^.^

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