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The walk home was peaceful due to the fact that Carlie had cheer leading after school so she couldn't accompany me on my way home. I probably wouldn't have been good company anyways, I was still absorbed in my dark thoughts. Worriedly, I kicked a small grey pebble along the gravel sidewalk. If my past were to confront me at any moment would I be prepared? I asked myself. No. The answer was simple. I had spent my entire life so far not caring, and no ounce of curiosity had ever plagued my thoughts. If anything, I had often thought about what I had done to make my parents put me in a foreign world and abandon me, and did I deserve it?

A bead of sweat trickled down my face which was flushed from the heat. It didn't help that my beanie was on my head in the midst of sweltering summer heat. Other than the scuffling of my shoes on the pavement everything around me was silent. There was not a sign of a single living creature anywhere. Cars lines up the clean streets and cute little bungalows completed the cute little neighbourhood. It was hard to imagine that anything inhuman would ever take place here, this part of the city was one of the quietest. But despite the slight reassurance the foreshadowing feeling remained.

My worries kept me occupied for the entire walk home, and I was relieved that I could finally be around someone who could distract me from them. "Cherry? You home?" I called as I entered the house, throwing off my beanie in the process. A muffled reply sounded from upstairs as a red faced Cherry stood with a stern but playful look etched on her face as she stood at the top of the stairs. "Oh so now you want to talk? You didn't seem so eager this morning." I smirked and dropped my bag onto the black marble countertop before turning to face Cherry while leaning against the island. "Well you did only give me 5 minutes to get ready this morning, and you know how long it takes me to get ready, besides it was morning, teenagers plus morning plus coherent sentences simply do not happen." Cherry chuckled, a warm, bubbly noise emitted from her throat. "Ah well I should've known, once a diva always a diva," she tittered as she made her way down the stairs. Her luminous blue-green eyes took in my disheveled appearance and signs of worry replaced the mirthful look on her face. "Oh Blue baby the sun was excruciating today! Are

you alright? Do you have any signs of heatstroke? You're so flushed! Let me get you a cool cloth and some lemonade." Cherry began to bustle around the tidy kitchen putting things together to cool me down. "I'm fine Cher, it only began when I was walking home, and I'm sure I don't have a heatstroke." Cherry made a noncommittal noise in the back if her throat, "Oh stop trying to be tough Blue and let me help you! I love taking care of you." She barely looked at me as she hurried around, you'd think I were on my deathbed. I held my hands up in submission and headed to the living room, "Alright! So maybe I'm a little overheated, I could use some lemonade right about now anyways." "Good!" Cherry replied approvingly. I turned on the air-conditioning before plopping down on the couch and stretching my legs. "So besides the treacherous walk home, how was school hun? A small tray was set onto the coffee table in front of the couch which contained a pitcher of lemonade, a glass full of lemonade, a cup of ice, and a cool cloth. A small grin made its way onto my face before I replied, Cherry always did go all out. "It was fine, same as always I guess," I responded while lifting the cool glass of lemonade up to my lips for a sip. "Max and Jesse okay?" "Mmmm, yea they're alright." Cherry narrowed her eyes and took a seat across the table from me. "Okay, now why don't you tell me what's bugging you since you refrained from telling me even when I asked just now," Cherry rose an eyebrow in challenge. I sighed, she always had been able to read me. "I just.." I didn't know what to tell her and began absentmindedly picking at a fraying hole in my jeans. "Have you ever had a gut feeling? That just didn't go away no matter what?" I asked hesitantly and looked up to meet Cherry's understanding gaze. "Of course baby, the night I found you is the most memorable, and you know what? If I hadn't trusted that gut feeling, I would never have found you." She spoke softly, "I know it seems stupid, but sometimes that gut feeling isn't always bad, maybe it is indicating that you are about to reach a chapter of your life that will either make you or break you." I lowered my gaze back down to my jeans. "But...but I'm pretty sure that this chapter may have something to do with my past. My background. Who I am. And I don't think I'm ready to face it." I whispered softly. A corner of Cherry's mouth rose slightly, "Blue, you've been hiding yourself all your life, and no ounce of "I don't care about my past" will change the fact that deep down, you do. And who is this soft spoken boy in front of me? Blue," Cherry paused to take my hands from across the table, "You are ready. You may not know it, but you are!" She whispered fiercely. A renewed strength rose in me, Cherry was right, there was not a moment in my life that I had been caught off guard and helpless. "I know," I sighed, "I guess I'm just afraid of going through it alone," my voice cracked. Cherry turned over my hands and began to draw patterns in my palms, "Well I can't guarantee that I'll be there every step of the way, but I'm sure there will be someone for you to hold on too when it gets tough." A grim atmosphere settled in the room, but despite the gloom I felt better and reassured. I leaned forward to kiss Cher on the cheek softly, "Thank you," I murmured, and unfolded myself from the couch. Now I needed to think. Alone. I fought minor insecurities as I padded up to my room, closing the door with my now free tail. Lost in my thoughts, I sank down onto my bed and settled. I could finally achieve some sort of peac- A tangle of limbs crashed through my window. A disheveled Max unfolded itself from the floor. "Blue! Dude! I knocked in your front door like a billion times! What are you doing? I sat stock still on my bed without answering. My beanie. I wasn't wearing it. Max and I locked eyes, then his widened as they rose to the top of my head. My perfectly constructed world crashed down around me. "Shit..." I whispered shakily.

The cat was out of the bag.



:33333 :o

You know what to do!



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