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My senses were on overload. I couldn't gather a single coherent thought in my head. The only recollection thing I remembered was jumping into the luminous violet light with Jayce.

Wind still whistled in my ears but it had died down to a soft caress. It was as if all 5 of my senses had shut down and I was just floating in an ominous space between heaven and earth. Until the feeling faded.

One by one my senses trickled back into my brain and began to function once more. My hearing came first, the soft rustle of leaves and gentle breeze replaced the ominous atmospheres with a sense of calm and serenity. I then regained the feeling in my limbs. Cool strands of what I supposed to be grass tickled my back, and the gentle breeze which I had heard could be felt on my face. I was completely at ease, even though my body hadn't gone back to it's original state.

If I had been at peace before then I was definitely on cloud nine as my eyes finally shot open. A beautiful face filled my view, lush forest green eyes bore into mine, the sweep of almost white blonde hair sent my heart into overdrive. What was this foreign feeling? I had never felt this way in my life.

The confusing emotions I had been bombarded with were suddenly destroyed when a hand came down from above and rapped its knuckles on my forehead. My mind cleared immediately and I sat up quickly. "Ow! What the hell was that for?" I spat at Jayce. He pursed his lips and slitted his eyes, a gesture that wasn't unattractive on him. Realization of what I had just thought washed over me. Never had I ever looked at anyone and deemed them attractive. I dismissed the thought as sluggishness after traveling through the portal and glared at Jayce, "Well? Any reason as to why you decided to abuse me?" Jayce glared, "Don't act as if you don't know!" Confusion forced my body to become alert. Had Jayce noticed my appraisal of him? "I.. I don't know what you're talking about." I hissed out. Jayce scoffed in disbelief, "Oh spare me your lies Blue! You two had all of us fooled with your little heartfelt goodbye, I should have expected this."

Now I was genuinely confused, "Jayce, what are you talking about? There's no one here but you and me." Disbelief still shone in Jayce's suspicious glare, but now there was some uncertainty. "You don't know?" He asked heatedlty. I shook my head slowly, as if any sudden movement would set him off again. He spoke again hesitantly, "So... You and Max didn't formulate a plan to fake goodbyes and have him jump through the portal at the last minute?" I was floored. "Max is here?" The words rushed from my mouth. Jayce's ears twitched agitatedly, he believed that I was innocent now, "Yes, and it is most likely that our people will rip him to shreds before he gets to settle here!" Part of me was ecstatic that Max was going to be by my side after all, but another side told me that it was a reckless move on his part and he shouldn't have done it. After some more contemplation, I looked up to check my surroundings, again I froze in shock.

It was beautiful. At first glance it would seem as we had landed in a regular meadow you would find on earth, but what made it unique were the many brightly coloured exotic plants that decorated the inhumanly green grass. A thick forest began to the side and various unfamiliar creatures roamed. A four legged creature which looked like a mix between a lion and a zebra grazed in the distance. My brain hurt from taking in all the sights. This is where I was born, my roots, what made me who I am today, and it was a wondrous sight to see.

Another thing I noticed was the absence of Max. "Where is Max?" I directed the question at Jayce, who had been stretched out lazily over a tree stump regarding my reaction to my homeland. He rolled his head to meet my eyes and answered nonchalantly, "Oh I just sent him to retrieve something from the forest, he'll be back shortly." I couldn't believe that Jayce had sent Max into the forest after what he had told me about what would happen if he were found. "How could you send him into the forest alone?!" Every hair on my body prickled with irritation. Jayce bristled, "My senses are much more developed than yours, I can smell him now, trust me, even though I want him gone I wouldn't send him to his own death!" I fought hard not to retort with a smartass comment and accepted Jayce's tough words.

Soon enough an enraged Max stomped though the trees and into the meadow, without taking notice of me he marched right up to Jayce, who wore a proud smirk on his pretty face. "There were no fruit trees in there you liar! I bet you hoped I would be eaten by some sort of beast!" Jayce let out a sharp burst of laughter, "Like I'd try and have you killed when your friend here is unconscious." Max frowned and glanced at me, "Blue! You're awake thank god, this asshole already makes me want to go home." I sighed, obviously any hopes that Jayce and Max would have come to a truce disappeared. "Well if you're gonna be here then you two should learn to get along." Both boys have me incredulous looks, as if I had suggested that they get married. "I got you here, so don't ask much of me Blue," Jayce sniffed indignantly. "I thought you'd be glad that I came Blue," Max spoke sullenly. An annoyed sigh slipped out before I could stop it, "I am Max, I really am, but if you can't handle being around Jayce then why'd you come?" Max's eyebrows furrowed in a confused gesture, "Why're you defending him Blue? Developing a crush? Personally I think you could do so much better but whatever floats your bo-" "Crush?!" I spluttered, heat rose to my cheeks and a fierce blush overtook my face. Max raised his eyebrow with a slight grin, already he could tell that I had been eyeing Jayce. Speaking of Jayce, he merely listened to our banter with a dark smirk plastered on his face.

Once I had recovered a new thought struck me. What were we doing out here? We were practically alone save for a few animals. "Hey Jayce, where are we? And why are we here? Max and I both swivelled our heads around to listen for his answer. Jayce stood from the stump and started walking towards the forest which Max had come out of. Hastily we followed him. "We are in the Y'lan Meadows of Yxlavia and just up ahead is the Vilayan Forest. When I spoke to your parents I was informed that you would not be meeting them right away, they only sought to remove you from earth so that you were safe." Questions whirled around in my head, why didn't they want to see me? Wasn't I safe on earth? What is the supposed danger that I was in? Max grumbled from behind me voicing one of my concerns, "He was pretty safe on Earth if you ask me, unless you count Erik, but that's besides the point." Jayce stopped abruptly and whipped around to face us, "He wasn't safe, any one of our people could have simply drawn a portal and gained access to him. He's much safer here than where he was." A sliver of fear wormed its way into me, "W-Why would anyone want to find me?" Jayce's face grew closed, "I have been given orders not to tell you until we have reached our destination." Max snorted with disbelief, "Oh so now Blue is special is he? What is he? A prince?" Blue directed a glare at Max, "Our world's monarchy is nothing to scoff at pet." "Whatever, for Blue's sake I'll shut up, but I still despise you." Jayce nodded, "I'll accept that." Glad that the two had finally reached an agreement I spoke up, "Where exactly is our destination?" A wicked smirk lit up Jayce's features, "Oh, just a warlock friend of mine, he lives just to the north of the forest. Max and I shot alarmed looks at each other.

Warlock? Would the surprises never end?


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