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******3rd Person Limited******

Blue's eyes widened with

curiosity, he had never been to a

place like this before. He shrank into Cherry's side as he took in his surroundings. Other children laughed and played energetically but Blue just watched. The knit beanie that covered Blue's head itched and bothered him. No other kids were wearing hats, so why should he? Blue tugged at Cherry's hand to inform her of his new revelation but didn't get the chance as a slim blonde woman made her way toward then with a blinding smile. "You must be Cherry!" She exclaimed while she shook hands with Blue's guardian.

Already Blue disliked this woman for stealing the attention of Cherry, he hid behind her now.

Cherry smiled and nodded, "Yes I am, and this little guy is Blue." She attempted pulled Blue from behind her to introduce him, but he wouldn't budge. The woman laughed, "Aww, he's a shy little fella isn't he?" "He doesn't like new people," Cherry explained with a thin smile. The kindergarten teacher crouched down to Blue's height and smiled brightly, "Hi Blue! I'm Mrs. Forester and I will be your kindergarten teacher this year! Arn't you excited?" Blue peered at this intruder with slitted eyes, the glare all the more powerful with eyes like his. "No," he mumbled, and retreated farther behind Cherry. Mrs. Forester's smile wavered, and she stood back up. "It's most likely just first day jitters," she explained to Cherry. "I don't know..maybe he's just not ready to--" "No! He'll be fine," Mrs. Forester protested, "Most of the kids are like this on their first days as well." Cherry glanced at the children playing on the playground doubtfully, they didn't seem scared to her. Blue reached up and tried to scratch his head through the beanie, but it did little to relieve the itch. As his frustration grew he surveyed his surroundings in more detail. It came to his attention that just like Cherry, the people here had no ears like his either, he felt around his rear end inconspicuously, he guessed that they didn't have tails growing either. Blue's tail had only just begun to grow, so it posed no problem when it came to hiding, but it was growing a little more each day and Cherry often thought that they'd have a small problem to deal with later on if it kept growing like this. As Cherry and Mrs. Forester kept discussing how the school could make Blue feel welcome, the child in question slipped quietly from behind Cherry and began to wander off. Blue made his way toward the playground, his curiosity had finally gotten the best of him. He stopped just before the play structures to investigate. Several metal bridges connected a long tubular slide, 2 sets of monkey bars, a fireman's pole, and a climbing wall together in one large playground. A set of swings stood by themselves away from the park. Because many of the children were incapable of using the swings, that was the only section of the playground that was quiet and lacking in screeching kids. This appealed to Blue so he started for the swings. But Blue wasn't tall and the swings reached the middle of his stomach. He frowned frustratedly, a small pursing of his small pink lips. Determinedly, he braced his hands on the seat of the swing and jumped. This turned out to be a less than helpful tactic as Blue discovered that the swing moved. His arms buckled and he fell on his bum down on the black rubber surface if the playground. Tears sprung to his eyes, but now he stood with a renewed fervour to conquer the swings. Now that Blue knew what the swing did he grasped the chains instead of the seat this time. The rattle of the chains pierced Blue's sensitive ears but he pushed through and hoisted himself up, one knee followed by the other. Blue now sat in an awkward kneeling position on the swing. A surge of triumph rose from Blue's chest as he sat, but that feeling soon faded when he realized that the swing wasn't moving. He then leaned to one side and unfolded his legs so that he sat properly. Keeping a firm grip on the chains, Blue wiggled his short legs furiously, but he soon found that it was useless. "Need help?" Blue looked up to Cherry with his big blue eyes and pouted. "No, I can do it by myself," he spoke aloud. Cherry chuckled, she had come over here to persuade Blue into going to school but currently she just watched as Blue struggled to get the swing moving. "You know Blue, if I help you, would you consider going to school? I think you'll have a really good time if you try," Cherry explained. Blue looked at the ground as if deciding what he wanted more, the satisfaction of doing it himself, or starting it right away. "Ok," he sighed, his legs were getting tired anyway. Cherry grinned and went to stand behind Blue, she have him a small push and drew delight from his happy squeal. Blue giggled and giggled as the swing took him to new heights. The cool summer breeze fanned his face as he closed his eyes and imagined that he were a bird soaring high amongst the trees with no one to stop him.

Meanwhile, children at the playground had stopped their games to watch Blue soar to the sky. None of them had experienced the swing yet, and now that they knew how it worked they regarded Blue with jealousy. Cherry slowed the swing down much to Blue's protest and lifted him from the equipment. One bold boy from the group that now stood watching stepped forward, "Wow! How did you do that? I wanna go, can you help me?" Blue was shocked that someone even bothered to talk to him, "Um, I can't push you, but my mommy can," Blue pointed to Cherry and turned his big eyes towards her. Two children giving Cherry the full on puppy dog face and she crumbled. "Sure hun, I'll help you," she sighed, but Cherry wasn't really displeased, she was bursting with happiness inside that Blue had succeeded in his first interaction with someone of his own age. This gave her the hope that this was the start of Blue's human life, though she knew that someday, he would know the truth. All she could do now was give Blue the best life possible before he was exposed to the truth.

Before someone came for him.


Ok! So a short chappie, but the story hasn't even started yet and this is just some background info.

Thought I feel like this chapter wasn't that good :( lemme know what y'all think!

Also I have a question, do guys want the book to be short with long chapters? Or long with short chapters? Just wondering what you prefer ^.^




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