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Max peered at me with slitted eyes, "Dude, what the hell is with the costume?" A war raged within me, should I tell him? Or pass it off as a joke? I silently gulped, and opened my mouth a few times, but nothing came out. Choosing my words carefully I finally spoke with a wavering voice, "It''s not a costume," I said shakily. A short burst of laughter erupted from Max's lips, "You're funny Blue, now seriously what's it for?" A flash of irritation shot through me, couldn't Max see that I was terrified? Boldly I stood from my bed and walked toward my friend,

"Feel them," I urged. Disbelief shone on Max's features as he took in the fact that I was serious. That disbelief then turned into suspicion. Silently, Max rose a timid hand to my head and lightly stroked the appendages. A soft gasp blew from his lips and his face contorted with shock. "Blue.." I regarded his reaction silently, too afraid to speak because of what he would think. Max's hand froze on my head then brought his eyes to lock on mine. Eyes full of question. "What are you," he whispered softly. A cool breeze blew from the open window, weakening me from my stupor. I sighed softly and dropped his gaze. I sighed quietly and dropped his piercing gaze. "I never wanted you to find out this way. In fact, I never wanted you to find out at all." Suddenly agitated I turned my back on a confused Max swiftly and faced the wall. "Go on.." He murmured from behind me. With my gaze fixed on a spot on the wall I started, "When I was a newborn Cher found me in an alley, she said I had practically appeared out of thin air." I didn't have to see Max's face to know what it looked like. It was probably still scrunched in confusion and surprise. I turned away from the wall as I began to pace. "She figured my mother had abandoned me right after my birth, and sent me here for someone to find." I paced furiously now. "As you can most likely tell, I'm not exactly human. I've had to hide my...extra parts all my life, and deep down wondering who I was." Without warning I stopped in my tracks and turned to face my friend. I cautiously slipped my tail from underneath my shirt and lashed it from side to side. With piercing eyes I glared at him forcefully, "This is me, it is your decision as to whether you accept it or not."

Max stared back impassively, as if deep in thought. He then broke the silence, "There's always been something off about you," he began, "But I never though it'd be something as complex as this. I mean dude! You're like an animal!" I flinched, as if each of his words were a strike from a blade. He seemed to roll the rest of his words around in his mind before speaking again. "But... I can tell that you're still Blue, my best friend, and nothing could ever change that, not even this." A look of steely determination then gave way on Max's face, while I observed him in awe. My bitterness immediately dissolved.

"Really?" I whispered. Max smirked suddenly, "Of course, what kind of best friend would I be if I abandoned you?" Relief flowed through me, my eyes softened. "You're a real friend Max." And for the first time in my life I felt a real connection to my friend. I had let him in, bared my soul to him, and nothing could get in the way of us now. "Yea, yea, whatever, don't get all soft on me now." Max waved off my comment and then looked at me in a new light. "You know, this totally explains why you don't date, or at least do one night stands. You can't exactly fuck a chick with your hat and pants on." I groaned and palmed my face, we were back to normal. "What? I'm just saying... Unless you're into dudes, which is totally okay but there aren't any good enough guys in our schoo- Holy shit!" Max's eyes widened. "Does this mean?...Oh my god my friend is a virgin!" Max cried. A light blush dusted my cheeks as I slitted my eyes at my horrified friend, "Yea so what! Not all of us are man-whores Max." A grin suddenly lit Max's features, "Imagine if Erik knew, he'd definitely find a way to pull you into a broom closet at some time and have his way with you." That alarming thought brought a shiver down my spine and a recoiled in disgust, "Max! How could you even think that!" "Just trying to lighten the mood," he shrugged nonchalantly. I smiled softly, "Thanks." The unspoken reason of why I thanked him hung in the air.

"Hey Max what do you want for din-" Cherry had opened the door and now stood gaping at Max. "It's okay Cher, he knows." Max waved cheerily, "Hey Cher, yea I crawled through Max's window and kinda found him all feline so he had no choice." Cherry still stood shocked as she took on Max and I, her eyes darted between us. "It's really okay Cher, I told him and I know we can trust him," I spoke confidently. Cherry then relaxed, but still regarded us wearily, her body going into "protective mother mode". With pointed eyes she fisted her hands on her hips and proclaimed, "Meet me downstairs at the table in 5 minutes and no more." A heavy silence stood in the air as Cherry left the room and headed back downstairs. Max and I turned to look at each other awkwardly. "Well... Here goes nothing.." Max spoke nervously. I nodded silently and we shut the door behind us and started for the stairs.

We stepped lightly as if entering the cave of a monstrous beast, which wasn't a bad comparison to Cherry when she was motherly. "I can hear you two you know, and you don't need to be scared, I just want to talk." Cher's voice sounded from the dining room. Max and I shared another look before taking the last step and joining Cherry at the table. She sat across from us and gestured towards 2 seats in front of her. Simultaneously, Max and I took the seats and silently awaited Cherry's spiel. She began firmly, "I only care for Blue's safety when I say this, but I must ask, Maxwell? Do you really think you can handle anything that Blue's past throws at him and be there for him every step of the way?" I scowled silently in my seat, why did she have to make it seem as if I were a weakling? Max smirked, noticing my scowl and leaned forward, joining his hands in front if him, "Cherry, I've known Blue basically all his life and knowing about his background really doesn't faze me. As for facing his past and being there, I can promise that I will be there through it all, because that's the kind of friend I am." Sudden tears struck Cherry's eyes and her face softened gradually, she placed a warm hand on top of Max's hands. "That is all I ask for Max, it really is," she croaked. I then spoke up, "I'm 17 Max, a prime age for anyone from my past to try to interfere with my life and do who knows what, are you sure you wanna do this?" I met Max's eyes beside me. He stared at me incredulously, "Of course I'm in! Never doubt my loyalty to you Blue! Besides, who's to say I won't meet some smokin' feline chicks along the way, I can't pass that up man." Cherry snickered from across the table, "Has the thought ever came to you that Blue isn't attracted to humans? So why would others of his race be interested?" Max's face fell, "Either way, I'm here for you Blue... And I always will be." I believed every word that fell from Max's lips, maybe having him along for the ride would ease the tension. Or at least, I hoped so.


Finally a chappie! v.v Okay so maybe it's only been 2 days, but it felt like more to me :3



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