Calm Before The Storm

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The washed out lights of the school burned my eyes as I entered the busy building full of students rushing to class. Yet several eyes still had the time to sweep over me and send looks of approval to their friends. I had to squeeze through hoards of students just to get to my locker.

With careful eyes I subtly checked the area around it, but it seemed as if my friends had already headed to class. A weight lifted from my chest and I strode purposefully towards the locker. The sharp sound of locker doors slamming shut and teenagers talking louder than should be allowed jarred my ears as

I gathered my materials for the first half of the day. Another bell rung, the final bell had rung and the hallways started to empty. I was glad that the noise level was slowly diminishing and revelled in it as I headed to Calculus with Mr. Bennett. Being the last person to enter the room apparently gave everyone the right to stare at me as if I'd commutes some criminal offence. I kept my face passive and headed to my seat. Whispers flew accords the room left and right. "Why is he so flawless?" "He's so hot..." "I don't see why girls love this douche.." Never ending comments just because I had drawn attention to myself by being last. It didn't faze me though, I was used to it, and I actually kind of enjoyed this class because none of my friends were in it to fill my ears with irrelevant gossip. With satisfaction bubbling inside me I slowly put my head to my desk and drowned out the drone of Mr. Bennett's lesson and waited for the period to end.

As I headed to my next class, Bio, I was interrupted by hands sliding around my waist, attempting to be seductive. "Hey baby Blue," a familiar husky voice hissed in my ear. I wasn't exactly sure what the effect of the "seduction" was supposed to be, but I'm guessing it wasn't how I reacted at all. Firmly, I took hold of the hands that had secured themselves around my torso and removed them, turning a round to tell off whoever it was that had dared to lay hands on me. I took a calming breath as I gazed upon my favourite person in the world. Erik Williams. Most people would think me lucky to be receiving the attentions of the school's resident homosexual as he was apparently also supposedly one of the most attractive guys in our school. I didn't see it, but I had to guess that it was in his alluring grey eyes and made for royalty face. It also didn't help he probably participated in every school sport so of course he had a nice lean body, the perfect balance between muscle and delicacy, much like myself. Except I didn't work out. Erik stared at me expectantly, hoping for some sort of positive reaction from me, but he was soon to be disappointed. "Keep your hands off Williams," I warned dangerously, drawing myself up to full height. He smirked suddenly, unfazed by my coldness and responded cockily, "And if I don't?" His eyes flashed with dark humour and challenge. "Then I'll make sure you'll have no hands to even think about touching me again." Erik frowned, "Sounds violent," he muttered. "How about you just give me a good old-fashioned spanking instead?" His lips twisted into a pout and he fluttered his eyelashes. What was with people and batting their eyelashes? There's nothing charming about it at all. I kept a hard calculating look on my face, I was not impressed by people who couldn't take a hint. "I'll give you something a lot more vicious if you don't piss off." I was getting angry now and the fact that Erik was reaching for me again was my tipping point. Before he could touch me I grabbed his hand and and swung it behind his back, pressing the now scared Erik Carter against the wall. But despite his fear, Erik still had the guts to try and come on to me. "You know, I kind of like this position, it really brings out the kinkier side in me," he grunted out. "It's going to be a lot worse if you don't stop, I hissed in his ear before pushing of the wall and walking away. "You'll come around sooner or later Alexander, and when you do I'll rock your world," Erik promised. Somehow I didn't see that happening in the near future so I put that thought out of my mind. My little interaction with Erik had made me late for my next class, but because my mind was still reeling from what had happened, I didn't even notice the stares as I let myself into the class. It had also slipped my mind that I had friends in this class, but that lost thought was immediately recovered when I heard loud burst of laughter from Max Dugman. Max and I had been friends ever since Cherry had pushed him on that swing in kindergarten, and even though we weren't close, he was actually one of the people I could tolerate. "Yo Blue! What's up? I haven't seen you all weekend man," was Blue's friendly greeting as I dropped my bag and took a seat beside him. On the other side of Max was Jessie, who had been retelling the story of how he had broken up with Natalie via phone. "Hey guys, anything new?" I asked? Jessie started eagerly, "Well Nichole was getting clingy so I--" I raised a hand to stop him, "spare me the story, I already got all the gory details from Carlie this morning on the way to school," I spoke flatly. Max snickered and Jessie's face fell, looks like he had been really excited to tell me. "She's still bugging you man? Just tell her to fuck off," Max grinned as he said this because he knew that I would never be that rude to a female. "I've given her hints but she's not getting them, but anyway she's not the real problem, I was practically molested on the way to this class by Williams again." Jessie groaned, now over his disappointment, "There are other attractive males such as myself who are openly bisexual and he doesn't want them," he grumbled. Max punched his shoulder, "Dude, you just got over a breakup!" "Yea so?" Jessie whined, "I just wanna feel his hands on my body just once," he sighed despairingly. Max and I chuckled at his dramatics. "Well you can have him Jess, and once you do hopefully he'll lay off me, I almost got violent this time," I muttered. Max snorted, "If Jessie's seduction skills are really that great then he'll be off of you the second this experienced guy comes along." "Is that a subtle way of calling me a whore? Jessie frowned. "Of course not, I'm just saying you get around," Max responded lightly. "Hopefully it works," I said tightly, "I'm getting really sick of his shit." The light banter between us kept going for the whole period, when Mrs. Thompson wasn't reprimanding us that is. The second the next bell went, the three of us gathered our stuff and headed to the gym. Walking down the hallway with Max and Jessie at my side always gave me a feeling that we were part of some sort of gang, because the seas of students bustling by parted every single time and eyes followed our every move. Personally I think it was just because of the way we looked together. Three attractive males walking down a hallway side by side? That was all it took to capture the attention of people in our school. I couldn't deny that we were quite the sight to see though, with Jessie's tousled blonde hair and dark eyes, combined with Max's chocolate brown fringed haircut and snakebite piercings, paired with my looks, we looked like a powerful trio.

Even though I didn't participate in extracurricular sports, I wasn't out if shape at all. It must be one of the perks of being a different species. Max, Jessie and I entered the boys locker room. If there was one thing I hated about gym, it was changing. It was unbelievably risky for me, and required great caution. "Why do you always change in a stall Blue? I mean, we're all guys here," Jessie spoke up from behind me. "I'm not exactly comfortable with being watched while I change Jess." I responded dryly. Jessie's eyes widened with false innocence, "what? No one watches you, your body isn't even that desirable." My eyebrow rose considerably, "really now?" I'd seen Jessie check me out numerous times, but even he knew not to cross that line. Jessie crumbled underneath my droll stare, "Alright! You're fucking sexy as hell but is it that bad? "Yes! It is! Now let me change! I turned and headed for the stall. Now I felt moderately safe, but not completely content. Quickly, I shed my clothes and changes into the flimsy gym clothes. I had done it. The quick sigh of relief bubbled out of my chest, as it did every time I successfully changed. With everything in the right place, I headed out of the stall, my beanie still perched on top of my head. This had gotten me a lot of strange looks when we had hit middle school but I made up the excuse that it was a memoir from my deceased father and I had promised him on his deathbed that I would always wear it. Pretty clever on my part, but at the same time it sounded a bit farfetched. Of course Cherry had backed up the story when the time came, so people eventually got over it.

Lunch time was the same as always, Jessie, Max and I sat at our own table, though others wished they could join us. This time Max was going on about his astronomy class which he had had 1st period. "All I'm saying is that there has to be much more than the teachers, doctors and scientists know about the universe! There's got to be some lonesome planet out there with a civilization similar to ours." Max ranted as he but into his sandwich. He talked about this at least once a week and Jessie and I practically knew every word. It was a topic that didn't exactly sit well with me because I knew deep down that Max's theory was correct. There was no other way to explain my abnormality. Obviously I wasn't from here so where was I from? I pushed the sudden curiosity down and tried to enjoy my lunch, but that nagging feeling that something was missing stayed through the lunch hour, and then continued through my afternoon classes. I did not like this sudden feeling, all my life I hadn't cared about my background, I simply lived in the present. But what was compelling me to want to know now? A pit grew in my stomach, something was wrong. Something was about to destroy every single barrier that I had worked to put up since childhood. Today was definitely the calm before the storm.

And the storm would come hard.


So by popular request I included the day at school, I agree that it contributes to character development and I want this story to be as wholesome as I can make it so...^^



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