David's Day Off

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Chapter 45

David POV

Since it's now the weekend I decided to catch up on the Wattpad story that I've been reading for quite awhile now, and it's called Pokémon Revelations which is of course a Pokémon story and to me it's really interesting and is one of my favorites as well.

But I wasn't expecting this...sudden twist at the end of the chapter when I finally caught up.

Me:NOO DAMMIT WHY ELENA.I shouted in despair 

The recent chapter of Revelations the author ArchieX2Y had killed off Elena who was one of my favorite characters and one of my go to ships as well in the story between her and one of the main characters named Lehua.

Speaking of which poor Lehua has like...the worse luck known to man kind, even worst then Goh from that story and another story called Grand Journeys. But it's sorta expected since he is pretty much Damian's counter part.

Jami:um are you ok David? I heard you shout not to long ago.she asked 

Me:*thinks*right I almost forgot her ass was here.i thought to myself 

To be honest I should've expected her to be at the dorm since she usually stays back and does class work, when she went out yesterday it was weird since she came back quite late. Although by that time I was pretty much asleep but I was thankful that she didn't came in here loud and annoying.

Jami:hello are you sure your ok in there David.she asked me

Me:yeah I'm fine just...contemplating something that's all.I replied to her

Jami:*sighs*well that's good, it would suck if your sick since there's also a possibility that I'll also get sick as well.she said back to me 

Me:what are you some kind of germaphobe or something.I asked her

Jami:well no I'm just cautious about my health that's all, but do you mind if I come into your room.she asked me

Now this surprised me since we rarely ever do go into each other's rooms unless we really have to or to tell each other something, now that I think about it she's only been into my room the first day we met and vice versa.

Me:um sure I guess so you can come in.I said back to her

She opened the door and well I wasn't expecting this view. She walked into my room wearing nothing but a black tank top that's pretty much slipping off her shoulder and is also wearing short exercise leggings.

I know I've said this to myself before but Jami Garden certainly is a beauty, but I do wonder why she came all the way here to Hawaii for college tho?

Me:um don't take this the wrong way but you look real good in that.I told her

Jami:*giggles*why thank you, but I also I didn't think that you'd be quite muscular. And here I thought you never worked out.she said back to me

Me:*looks down*yeah but only whenever I feel like it tho, I do causal push ups and sit ups every once in awhile in my room.I replied 

Jami:you should be shirtless more often you know, I know I wouldn't mind teehee~.she told me

Me:*thinks*is she...hitting on me? To be honest I have no idea if she's being nice or hitting on me.I thought to myself 

But what she says is true I do tend to keep my body somewhat fit, and although it isn't overly muscular like those bodybuilders or even that dick head names Spencer it still is a pretty good amount. 

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