Something Brewing

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Chapter 31

No One POV

In Hawaii Haleakala is still with Dalton and Flamira as they have finished fishing not to long ago, as the 3 of them are just relaxing by the ocean front as Haleakala is looking at his phone and noticing the riots that's happening on Maui.

Haleakala:dam the people on Maui is a lot more aggressive than usual, I wonder why.he said out loud

Dalton:*smirks*I see that their finally taking the initiative, good to see that the people in Hawaii aren't being little bitches any longer.he commented

Haleakala:hold on were you the one who killed the governor and the other Important figures on Maui? Hell even across the entire planet.he asked him

Dalton:maybe I am maybe I'm not, but I'm doing these Humans a bit favor.he replied

Flamira:*raises an eyebrow*like killing the important figures all across the world.she questioned

Dalton:*chuckles*of course Flamira dear, I'm just getting rid of the more...incompetent leaders and also purging the planet from such useless beings.he told her

Dalton Satanus has killed Biden,Kim,Putin and the other important figures all over the world for his own amusement, but also purging the planet from these useless "leaders" to say the least, and he took great joy in all of that.

Of course Haleakala wasn't really angry with the Devil/God hybrid since he also found that shit amusing, even though Haleakala lives in Hawaii he doesn't really give a crap about the people since it his nothing to do with him.

But chaos definitely is breaking out in all parts of the world with the lost of their soo called "leaders" and all the while Satanus is sitting back and watching the chaos.

Haleakala:hmm I'm not really mad at you for doing what you did back on Maui with the so called political power and whatnot, but the entire world is in shambles because of you.he said back to him

Dalton:*grins*good I'd love to see that shit, Humans are so entertaining to watch and it's hilarious. But I might do more...purging later oh hehehe.he replied

Haleakala:*chuckles*you really are a descendant of Satan and related to Hades now aren't you, your such an evil mother fucker.he said back to him

Dalton:well it's in my nature and I just can't help It.he replied

Flamira:*sighs*my dad has been wondering why the Humans are a complete mess and now I know, and he isn't very happy about it.she commented

Dalton:your dad can't do shit Flamira, he may be the Devil King but if he does try and do something..well you already know what will happen.he told her

That is what Flamire is afraid of at the moment since she doesn't want her dad to get on the bad side of her secret boyfriend since things could get ugly very fast, and Sirzechs can't handle the power from the Devil/God hybrid.

He already had to get a new seal for his power since Haleakala is one of the only ones who managed to break it and forced him to use more of his power, as Satanus is more curious if he's able to push him that far now.

Haleakala:hmm well I'm gonna head back home I'll see you later or whatever and try not to get into too much trouble.he told them

Dalton:yeah that's impossible when it comes to me lol.he replied

As Haleakala had summoned his Sacred Gear wings and flew off away from the shoreline leaving Dalton and Flamie alone with each other, as she leaned her head onto his shoulder.

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