Ingvild's Brother

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Chapter 30

No One POV

Right now Artemis and the group are in Hawaii to meet up with Ingvild's older brother who lives in the said country, and well they didn't really wanted to alert the Gods of this place since that'll be a pain in the ass to deal with.

So they had Dalton take their asses to the country...even though he honestly didn't really gave a shit, but while doing so they also encountered the White Dragon Emperor again.

Of course Artemis and the rest of his peerage was real skeptical but at the same time this was the best option they have since he's allied with the Polynesian faction.

Haleakala:huh so you want me to compensate for these goddam weaklings.he asked him

Dalton:these assholes wouldn't stop pestering me since I knew the location of the Leviathans brother, and so this is why we're here.he replied to him

As Kuroka and whispered into Artemis's ear.

Kuroka:*whispers*was this the only good thing you had in mind, I mean talking with the Vanishing Dragon.she asked him

Artemis:*whispers back*what other chance do we even have, he's allied with the Gods here so it shouldn't be a problem unless we do something dumb.he whispered back

Haleakala:hey fucktards I know your whispering over there.he told them

That made both the Lucifer descendant and the Nekomata jump a bit at getting caught, as they see the Unparalleled Mountain staring down at them...and quite literally as well since he's so dam tall.

Ingvild:*a bit nervously*l-look c-can we please see my brother I-it's important.she asked him

Haleakala:I don't really give a crap to be honest and neither does this short bastard besides me.he pointed at Satanus

Dalton:*looks at him*I'll chop off those fucking legs of yours.he threatened

Haleakala:*swaying*oh no i'm so scared what will I ever do.he pretended to be scared

The others just stared at the White Dragon Emperor with beads of sweat while the Satan descendant just stared at him with an annoyed look, he may be a powerful opponent to fight up against but he can be quite irritating.

Dalton:look Triton will be here soon and when he gets here just talk or whatever I don't give a crap.he told them

Kanji:do you not care about anything like at all.he asked him

Dalton:yeah I don't give a shit about most things, an orphanage gets burned downed I wouldn't care.he told them

Ingvild:*looks down*but that's just so sad tho all those kids lost.she said

Artemis:he's a descendant of Satan and related to Hades so it's no surprise he doesn't really show emotion.he patted Ingvild's shoulder

As Haleakala had bent down toward Dalton's level who leaned back a bit surprised and kind of annoyed with the sudden lean in from the taller Demi God.

Dalton:*leaning back*the hell do you want not creep, wanna make out with me or something.he questioned him

Haleakala:hmm no I'm just wondering do you like seriously not feel any emotions at all.he asked him curiously

Dalton:I did just say that tho right, the only real emotion I can feel is anger.he told him

Haleakala:anger huh, if you're so dam angry eat a snickers bars. Your not you when your hungry.he said back to him

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