First Contact

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Chapter 21 

No One POV

2 more days had passed on the island and not much of changed other then the fact that Kanji is still on high alert and the same could be said for the rest of Artemis's peerage as they are staying at another part of the camp as they have gotten special permission from the Chairman.

Today Kanji is with some of his classmates looking for anything to eat in the forest since they ran out of food as he's with Sudo,Kushida,Satou and Mei Yu Wang as the 5 of them are all picking out fruit while Kanji also has his guard up.

Mei:hey is this fruit ok to eat.she asked 

Kushida:I'm not really sure, hey Ike is this fruit ok to eat.she asked him

Kanji:*looks at it*hmm oh yeah it's ok to eat it's actually quite sweet but make sure not to eat the seeds.he said back to them

Sato:it's quite useful that you have experience in the outdoors, ar least we have somebody in class that knows their stuff.she commented 

Kanji:actually the booklet Hirata has should have all the edible plants and what not inside of it.he said back to her

Sudo:I think we've got enough to last us till dinner.he said 

Once they made sure they've got enough they all started to make their way back over toward the camp to see what everyone else is doing, Kanji had looked at his wrist watch that he's forced to wear along with everybody else as it read 8:10.

When they arrived at the campsite they seen everybody doing their own thing as Kanji had looked around to see his familiar on the top of a tall tree looking down at them as he's been there for the whole night watching them.

Kanji:*thinks*I know they are on this island and I need to try my best preventing any of my classmates dying from those assholes.he thought to himself 

Sudo:yoo Hirata we managed to get some fruit so let's split it apart.he said to him

Hirata:oh really well that's good, but how long it'll last us for.he asked 

Kushida:at least till later on tonight it should last us..hopefully unless some of us get hungry again.she said back to him

Hirata:hmmm I see, I guess we will have to go out later on this afternoon before it gets dark.he said 

As Yousuke Hirata is the classes unofficial leader along with Kikyou Kushida, as the main classes leader is Suzune Horikita who is sitting on the side watching everyone doing their own thing. It was more of a nominated vote by majority of the class and well at the same time it seemed to work.

Class-B who is an ally with Class-D has also dropped by to say hi which didn't last long since they haven't even asked who the leader was for our class which is most likely a good thing, but they just want to keep good between the 2 classes.

Kanji:*thinks*dam after this I need to meet up with Artemis and the others I hope it doesn't take too long.he thought to himself 

Sato:hey Ike are you in there we have to help out with the rations for breakfast.she broke him out of his thoughts 

Kanji:*snaps out of it*oh sorry about that sorta gotten lost in thought.he apologized 

Sato:hmm you've been acting weird these past 3 days are you ok.she asked him

Kanji:I guess I'm just a bit...worried that's all about the exam and what not.he told her

Sato:as long we play our cards right we should win and not use all of our points stupidly like on unnecessary things.she said to him

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