What's So Special About Me

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Chapter 13

No One POV

The sudden appearance of the Zaoshen one of the strongest familiars in the entire familiar world as apparently he's also the old familiar of the original Lucifer before he gotten killed in the Great War which of course killed off the pact.

But since he sensed Artemis here in the forest he decided to show himself after so many years as no one has seen him in hundreds of years not since the Civil War between the Devils.

Zaoshen:to think I'll be seeing another descendant of my kind before he gotten killed in the war, the last one I seen was Rizevim his son.he said out loud

Artemis:*raises an eyebrow*I see so you've my grandfather.he said

Zaoshen:hmm your his grandson then, may I have your name young Lucifer.he asked him

Artemis:*bows*it's nice to meet you Zaoshen my name is Artemis Lucifer and the I'm the son of Razevon Lucifer and Milsha Guison, I've read quite a few things about you in the families old records.he introduced himself

Zaoshen:ohhh how rare to think you're also a Guison as well, to think a Lucifer and Guison mixed in together. Talk about one DEADLY combination.he said out loud

Zatouji:so I'm going to guess your here to become Artemis's familiar.he asked

Zaoshen:*laughs*HAHAHA of course I am after all I wouldn't come all the way here for no reason, so what do you say Artemis do you take me as your familiar.he replied and asked

As Artemis didn't really had to think about it too much since having a powerful familiar like Zaoshen on the team can be really beneficial for future battles. Plus Zaoshen's power rivals that of an Ultimate class Devil so that's also an added bonus.

Artemis:*grins*hehe of course I do we could use your firepower on the team Zaoshen.he told him

As Artemis had outstretched his arm as Zaoshen had slowly brought his large head over to him and touched his hand as both of them are glow of green.

"Do you Zaoshen take me Artemis Lucifer as your master." He asked the said dragon.

"I do."

"Then welcome to the team Zaoshen may you bring victory in our battles."

He said as the pact has been sealed and made as Zaoshen had looked back at him as he disappeared somewhere else as pretty much everyone there is all satisfied with what they received from the said forest as they can now check familiars off the list.

Kanji:*sweat drops*of course he'd get quite possibly the most strongest familiar here in the forest.he commented

Cu:well what would you expect, he is the boss of the peerage so it's natural he'll get the strongest. Although Ingvild's big ass leviathan gives it a run for its money.he communed

Ingvild:*pouts*hey don't call Levy-chan scary Cu Cu that's not nice.she said to him


Kuroka just rolled her eyes since she did also had to somewhat agree with him on that one since Neko-chan isn't really a good name since it's not befitting of a powerful Nekomata like her, and it's honestly quite uncomfortable.

While the Muramasa descendant honestly don't really care but he does find his nickname which is Kan Kan quite odd and somewhat embarrassing, he just wished he gotten a different nickname.

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