The Kuoh War Pt.2

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Chapter 38

No One POV

Just as the title was an actual war happening in Kuoh town as there's tons of destroyed buildings and tons of causalities as well since they didn't had enough time or power to put up a barrier surrounding the whole town.

So everyone was pretty much having a full view of the supernatural world, fulfilling the Old Satan factions goal of exposing the supernatural and not hiding from those lowly Humans anymore.

As Shalba and Ulmere are fighting up against Artemis and Garou as they both are in the air as Garou had punched Ulmere away.

Shalba:to think we'll have a rematch again Lucifer, let's see which one of us will survive this time.he said to him

Artemis:the only way your surviving is my goddam plot armor.he replied

Shalba:you really underestimate my power that much? Well let me show you not to underestimate me.he said back to him

Shalba had created multiple flies made out of energy and launched it at both Lucifer's who jumped away or used their wings to dodge the attack in mid air, as Ulmere had came in front of Artemis and punched him.

But Artemis was ready for it as he blocked the said punch creating a small shockwave as both Artemis and Ulmere started to exchange blows in mid air. Until Ulmere had managed to sneak a magical blast in the fight and blasted Artemis sending him into the ground.

Garou:shit Artemis.he called out to him

Shalba:if I were you I'd pay attention Garou Lucifer.he said back to him

As Garou had slipped past his attack with an all to familiar technique as he delivered a powerful left roundhouse hitting Shalba which sent him flying into a couple of houses destroying them even more.

Garou:and you need to stop underestimating we younger Devils you old shit, if we really wanted to we could surpass you once we get a hang of our powers.he told him

Ulmere:my my such confidence think you can back it up.he asked

Garou:*smirks*oh I don't know why don't you try looking behind you.he asked him

The Asmodeus descendant had turned to see Artemis throwing a powerful blast at him which caused Ulmere to widen his eyes as he created a magic circle trying to block the attack, which caused d a large explosion from the impact.

As Artemis had jumped besides his brother cracking his neck as some of his clothes is ripped apart but that isn't stopping him, the smoke and dust had cleared to reveal Ulmere staring at them.

Ulmere:not bad Artemis Lucifer I can see that you definitely have your grandfather's cunningness.he said to him

Artemis:how about we take things a bit more seriously now.he asked them

Shalba:ohh I agree Lucifer spawns.he agreed

As a green and orange aura had appeared on both Ulmere and Shalba while a silver had appeared on both Artemis and Garou, the 4 of them had stared at each other until they flew at each other causing another explosion.

Change Scene Freed

With Freed as he's battling up against Cu Chulainn,Kiba,Xenovia and Koneko as he's having abut of trouble since there's so much, but he's having more trouble with Cu Chulainn since he's a lot more faster and stronger then them.

Freed:*gritting his teeth*dam you spandex wearing spearman who the hell are you anyways.he asked frustrated

Cu:*grins*well it's because I'm the reincarnation of Ireland's Child of Light Cu Chulainn.he told him

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