Summer Break With Muramasa

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Chapter 16

No One POV

2 days had passed since Kanji is now back at the school and well pretty much everybody that he has encountered was really confused and interested in the person who barged into their class(which was Artemis of course) as they just walked in before the start of summer break here in Japan.

He already explained it to his 2 friends Sudo and Ayanokoji since well Yamauchi has already been expelled since he failed the midterms and has gotten kicked out the of the school, as the school here may seem elite but it's more cruel then you think.

Today he's hanging out with Sudo and Ayanokoji as they are currently making their way over toward the pool for some relaxation and they are also going to the pool with a few people as well.

Sudo:what a nice day to head to the pool don't you think.he said

Kanji:yeah it really is a nice day, and also gives off the relaxing vibe as well it's honestly not that bad.he replied

Ayanokoji:oh yeah have you guys heard that we're going on some cruise ship in like 3 days.he asked

Sudo:*wide eyed*hold won we are, holy crap.he said

Kanji:I'm surprised Ms.Chabashira didn't mention any of that earlier, like I'm sure it would've been quite the motivation for everyone.he commented

Which both of them had to agree with what he said as if she mentioned that they'll be going on a cruise ship then the classes average score for class points will be a lot more higher then what it is now, and Yamauchi will most likely be in school.

Although he was quite unmotivated and thought he could pass the test without studying that much and well that backfired since he didn't passed the midterms and gotten expelled because of it.

Ayanokoji:hey Sudo is this Ryuen person still trying to cause trouble with you.he asked him

Sudo:huh, oh well no not really they pretty much gave up after what happened to 2 of his goons from his class.he replied

Kanji:*thinks*oh yeah I forgot he tried to frame Sudo, but that didn't work at all considering that it backfired and gotten 2 classmates of his expelled.he thought to himself

Sudo:although he hasn't pulled anything as of yet I still think he's not going to give up on us, since we're quite vulnerable and are labeled Defects in the school.he said

Ayanokoji:yeah I have to agree with you on that, it seems Hirata and the others need to be wary.he replied

As the 3 of them had made it to the boys locker room to change into their swim clothing and they all put in various different types of swimming trunks, as Kanji's was red Ayanokoji's is black and Sudo is blue.

But they were quite impressed with Kanji's body as he's lean muscular but not too muscular and not over the top like Koenji from their class.

Sudo:*whistles*dam Kanji you have a pretty impressive body, I'm surprised you didn't swim during swim class that one time.he said back to him

Kanji:*chuckles nervously*well I didn't really wanted to attract that much attention to me since my face doesn't really fit my body.he replied to him

Sudo:the same can be said for you Ayanokoji you also have an impressive body.he said back to him

Ayanokoji:I just do morning exercise every once in awhile to keep my figure nothing too intense.he said

Kanji:oh yeha who are we meeting up with again.he asked

Ayanokoji:well there's us, Sakura and Kushida along with Horikita which is surprising in the least.he told them

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