A Happily Ever After

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We got into Neverland in peace and got back to the tree to see Jack and the guardians.

We all met and had a small conversation about our lives, even though it wasn't the right time. It was fun.

"Now, lets get down to business to defeat Peter Pan." I said.

They all nodded in agreement and we discussed our battle plans.

"Are you ready?" I asked as we all were ready to leave.

They all nodded. I smiled to give myself faith that we will win.

I flew up and saw Peter coming. He had to have known that I was coming.

I stood as straight as I could. "Peter Pan, I have come here to defeat you in a war of love. You wish to have me as your own, but someone else feels the same way. Bring your Lost Boys to the beach of Neverland where I was found and we shall fight. I will make you beg mercy and you shall live in exile for the rest of your days."

I then flew off to the beach where everyone was meeting me. I got there and ran to them. I felt tears come to my eyes.

Jack held his arms open and I walked into them. He held me in his arms.

"Have faith. We can beat him." Henry said.

"I'm not worried about that. I just hate that we have to hurt the Lost Boys. I hate that we have to go to war. This is my fault. If I hadn't agreed to come back down to fight in a war, the war would have never started. I'm sorry guys." I said quickly and ashamed.

"It's not your fault. You can't help that Pan is a bad person." Henry said.

Jack let me go and I smiled to Henry. "Thanks Henry."

I didn't want to have any of my people die. I just wanted Pan dead or in captivity.

That's when I saw them. Pan and his boys walking down towards us on the beach. We all stood in our positions, I walked forward and Peter did the same. We met in the middle and look at each other in the eye.

"May the best fighter win." Pan said.

"I plan to." I said back.

He looked slightly shocked, but we turned back to our people. We walked back and it began. We all had weapons that we had made and it was messy.

Everyone was yelling and the beating and crunching of bones filled the air. I had no shoes on and felt blood on the sand. I ran towards Pan and we faught.

I swung at him with my knife but he caught my hand right before I hit his Jugular Vein.

"Oh, Alix, I thought you were better than this." He said cruley.

"Well then you thought wrong I said as I took the other knife I had from my belt and stabbed him in the heart with it.

I did this many times as he went limp. I had blood on my face and arms. I had tears in my eyes as I fell to the ground covered in Peter's blood. He wasn't dead yet though. The fighting ceased and they gathered around us.

He layed on the ground, blood coming from his mouth.

"Fuck you." He said as he limply took a knife from his belt and thrust it into my stomach.

I fell back with the knife in my body. I didn't take it out because it would have caused me to bleed more. My friends gathered around me.

They were covered in blood and some had broken bones. I cried at the scene around me.

Henry bent down next to me. "Alix, your going to live. I promise you that. Please don't cry, you did it. You beat Peter."

They all had fear in their eyes. "Don't be afraid guys. I did this because your my family and I love you all. And guess what?"

Tooth came next to me. "What?"

"Love means sacrifice." I said softly.

I closed my eyes, not dead, but sleeping.

"You did well Alix." Manny said.

"Yeah, congrats." Megan said.

I nodded. "I can't leave them."

"I know. I will let you return to them. Don't worry." Manny said.

I smiled and hugged him. "Thank you Manny."

"Your welcome. You can come by anytime you wish, you just have to wish to before you sleep."

I smiled and hugged Megan. I looked at Manny. "Can she come too?"

He nodded and I smiled to her. She started to cry. "Thank you! Oh thank you!"

Manny smiled and sent us back.

I wake up and am lifted up. I glow with a white light before I get set back down on my feet.

I smile and walk slowly to my new family. I had on a flowing dress and it was sorta hard to move in, but was beautiful.

I saw a bright light come behind me and saw Megan run to Felix.

"Felix!" She yelled.

"Megan!" He yelled as they hugged.

I smiled and felt a hand on my shoulder. It was Manny.

"Hello everyone. I am Manny and it is nice to meet you all. I would like to tell you that I am passing over to the other side to have my would put to rest. Alix is the new man on the moon. Well, I should say woman. She will be the new lead figure. She is also the new queen of Neverland. Alix, I hope you don't mind your new responsibility."

I shook my head. "Not at all sir."

He smiled and then walked off as he faded. Peter's body was gone and everyone was surprisingly healed if all wounds. Must have been because of Manny. I smiled at them.

"And we all live happily ever after." I said joking.

Hey guys! One more chapter left! It has been so fun to write this book and yeah. Save that for later......


Love Means Sacrifice (A Peter Pan/ ROTG Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now