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"Dad!" I whispered to him.

I see his face come up into the moonlight. He is smiling.

"My dear. Have you come as as angel?' He asked.

I laughed.

"No Papa. I have come back as a spirit like Jack. I have come to save you." I told him.

He smiled.

"That's impossible." A voice from the dark said.

He stepped from the light. It was Mr.Gold. Just my luck to be chained up by him.

"No. It's not impossible. Nothings impossible." I said.

He smirked.

"You really believe that?" He asked.

I had my poker face on.

"Yes. I really do." I said.

He chuckled. Then he started to walk over to me. He raised his hand and slapped me. My head jerked but it didn't faze me. I faced him and laughed.

"Don't you know that didn't hurt? I am a spirit." I said.

His eyes got wide. He backed away. It kinda hurt though.

"Your Alix! Your the girl the stories spoke of as a soldier for the moon." He said scared.

I smiled.

"Why yes I am. Now release me and my father and bring my friends back." I commanded.

He waved his hand and we were free. I looked at my rists and saw red marks on them. I didn't care. I walked over to my dad and helped him stand. He was on his hands and knees trying to stand. I helped him up and he hugged me. I hugged him back and a white haired figure joined us. The sun had started to peek over the horizon. I turned and faced Jack. He took my hands and smiled.

"Hello Knight Black." He said.

I blushed.

"It's Alix. You know this Mr.Frost." I said smiling.

He laughed. My dad and everyone else had head back to land. We decided to follow. Mr.Gold was up there. My dad was making nightmares circle him. I smiled bigger.

"Please, Alix! Help me!" He yelled.

I threw my head back and laughed.

"No. Not after what you did to me and dad." I said.

My dad made the nightmare hit him and he fell to the ground asleep. The sun was rising and we all walked to the beach. Me and Jack walked hand in hand. The sun was reflecting off the water. It was beautiful. I suddenly felt Jack stop, and so did everyone else. I turned around and he was on one knee. I felt my eyes tear up with joy.

"Alix Black, I have loved you since the day we met. When you went missing, I almost didn't function right. I needs you forever and can't lose you. I was hoping you would become Alix Frost. So, Alix Black, will you marry me?" He asked.

I had tears spilling out of my eyes now. I nodded yes and he jumped up and hugged me.

"Yes. Yes. A thousand times yes!" I said in his chest.

He was now wet with tears. He was crying too. We were smiling like fools and I heard sniffling from behind us. I didn't care though. Jack slipped an ice ring covered in frost on my finger. Jack picked me up and spun me in the air. He brought me down and kissed my lips. He pulled away and I heard awws from behind us. I turned around and my dad was crying. So was Emma and Henry was smiling. I don't know when he got here but I didn't care either. I ranobver and my dad hugged me. Jack put his hamdoin my shoulder and everyone soon left. We layed on the beach watching the sun rise in each others eyes.

Heyyyy! So, they are now engaged! Yayyayayayayayayayayayayayaya! I hope you all enjoyed the chapter. The pic is of the sun on the ocean with Jack lifting Alix in the air. So remember, bow ties are cool. Don't forget to comment vote and subscribe!


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