New Me

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I find myself in the middle of a city. Not just any city though, New York City. My prison city. I am in the middle of the street. A car comes straight at me and I dive out the way-or I would have if this armor hadn't gotten in the way. I fell over my feet and landed on my face. I stood up and got pretty mad. I was just about to yell at the person when I remembered that they can't see me. I walked to the sidewalk and at least five people walked through me. I was so shocked. I was alone. No one could see me and I don't know if anyone is like me.

"It's okay Alix. You can figure this out. People will be able to see you!" I said to myself.

I walked to my old apartment.

"Your family, and Jack will be able to see you. They have to believe in you." I said to myself again.

I smiled at the idea of hope. Hope is the only thing that keeps me sane. I get to the room I stayed in every once in a while and walk in. I see all my things are still there. Why, I don't know. I notice something shine light in my eye and walk over to it. It is a mask. A very old mask. It is ice blue like the armor. It look's exactly like the armor. I pick it up and stare at it. My armor reflects the light now. I move to the shadows and put the mask on my bed. I walk to the closet and grab my knife. I take it out of it's case and stare at it. I raise it to my hair and pick my hair up into a ponytail. I take the knife and pull it down at the part of ponytail closest to my head. I let the hair go and it all falls to the floor. My hair is short and easy to deal with now. I put the mask on and walk out of the room, to the streets. I feel a sharp pain in my back and rise to the sky. It is dark outside and the pain grows worse and worse. I have tears at my eyes, threatening to spill. I blink them away and pull the armor off my torso area. I am in the woods now. I fall to the ground and find a sharp rock. I cut the back of my shirt out and the pain is gone. I stand up shaking and take deep breaths. I feel extra weight on my back and look behind me. I gasp.

"Wings!?" I yell.

I have wings like a fairy. They are black with traces of ice blue, green, and white. All important colors to me. Ice blue reminds me of Jack because it is the color of his eyes, which put me at ease. Green is my comfort color and white is the color of hope. Hope that I will someday fulfill my destiny and find my family in the end of it all. Black is the base color and it reminds me of the days in the dark. Me hiding from everyone and also my father. I flap them and raise into the air. They are easier to use than I thought. I went high, then came back down and landed on my feet gracefully. I fly into the air and to the woods in Washington. Not the capital, the state. I love the woods there because they are so peaceful.

"What's the point of even agreeing to this?" I asked myself.

I wish I had never said yes to Manny. I am alone,all alone. I let tears slip for on my eyes, then remember my task. I had to fight in a war in a years time. I was so stressed out right now, it wasn't even cool anymore. I started to just fly around and found myself in Main. I kept walking till I reached a sign that said StoryBrook. I decided to explore and went into the small town. No one could see me and I was happy about that. I didn't want anyone in this strange town to notice me. I was walking by a school when a boy ran up to me. He stopped in front of me and smiled. I was confused and looked behinde me.

"Hi! I'm Henry." He said warmly.

He was talking to me! He could see me! How though?!

"Can you see me?" I asked softly. My voice was a little shaky.

He smiled again.

"Yeah! Your Alix Black, a fearless warrior from the moon." He said.

I look at him surprised. He knows my name?!

"How do you know my name, Henry?" I ask.

He gets into his backpack and pulls out a book. It says ONCE UPON A TIME on the cover. He opened to page 105 in the book and a drawing of me is there. I relise I still have my mask on and decide to keep it on.

"Can you take the mask off?" Henry asked.

"Sorry Kid. I decided to keep it on so I don't have to face the old me." I say.

The old me? I guess that would be the soft, lovestruck, tom-girl, and alive me. The new me is who I need to be. The new me is strong, vengeful, a soldier, and dead me. That's who I need to be right now. I would never have to fave the old me again if I kept this mask on.

"Henry!" A woman called.

I turned around and saw a blonde with a red, leather jacket on. Henry runs to her, smiling. I smile with him. It has been a while since I smiled. I started to walk again and my armor kept getting in the way. I decided to change them. I got back to my apartment and took it off (along with my mask). I searched through my drawers and found a black, button-up shirt, with mid-arm length sleeves. I grabbed a pair of mint green jeans. I grabbed my pair of long black boots and put them on. I straightened my short hair and looked in the mirror. I looked okay. I waved my hand and the armor vanished. I didn't know where it went, but I didn't care either. I smiled and grabbed my mask. I put it on and feel like the new me. I smile to myself.

"Don't worry. You will be okay." I tell myself.

Now all I have to do is believe it.

Hey! So are you as happy as I am for me this sequel! The picture above is of the mask. The other pic is the cover. Don't forget to comment, vote, and subscribe!


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