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I sat down in my tree that was now my prison. There had been no sign of Jack and it had already been two days. I had fallen into my routine quickly.

In the morning, I wake up around 9AM because of Peter. We then go on a walk after we eat breakfast. He let's me walk without him having like, a rope or handcuffs because he cursed me.

I can't go farther than ten feet away from him unless I am in the force field. If I go farther than my limit, I get electrocuted and pass out.

Anyway, after our walk, we head to camp to have lunch. When we get done eating, we fly around and check the island for intruders. He then takes me back to the tree and lets me eat dinner alone. I then go to sleep and wait for the dreaded morning to come.

But today was different. I had just got done picking through my food when I decided to try.

I went to the edge of the force field.

"JACK! I NEED YOU!" I yell to the sky.

I hear a breeze in the trees. I had a feeling that it was from Jack.

That's when I hear Peter land behind me. I froze and felt my heart stop for a second.

"Why were you screaming for Jack?" He asks.

I smile and walk over to him.

"I wasn't calling for Jack, I was calling for you." I say sweetly.

He is so blinded by love, he smiles and kisses my head.

"What do you need then?" He asked.

I smile. "Is it possible to get a book?"

He nods and one appears in his hand. He hands it to me and leaves.

I feel the book frost over. My bed and chair frost over. I see the forest freeze over. I see a figure in the moonlight with a staff.

"Jack!" I whisper.

I guess he hears me because he fly's in my direction. He is stopped by the force field. We can still talk though.

"I am happy to see you Jack. But Peter is coming."

He smiles. "I know. But he needs to know this. I am Jack Frost and for you I will bring a winter storm."

I smile. "Why would you do that?"

"I need to win the war that is going to happen. I can do that if they don't have any resources."

I frown. Why will they kill each other over me?

Is this the war I was sent to fight?

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