Ch. 34 ~ In Between

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*Dedicated to Romain Celedethor Bornex*

I walked through the white world that I was now a part of and looked around but all I could see was white. There was no shape to anything, no real pull in any direction. I just kept walking straight and yet I did not feel like falling. Time had no meaning here; be it day or night. Finally, out of the mist, I came upon a beautiful sight. There were clouds everywhere and stars. It was the first time I was able to discern my own hands and body. I was no longer wearing my armor but just a plain white gown with what felt like flat slippers on my feet. My hair though unbraided was blowing in a breeze that was neither cold nor warm; it was just there. I looked down at my body and it was whole. It was not hurt or compromised in any way; nothing seemed out of place even when I touched the back of my head to feel for my century's old wound.

I looked around and then for the first time I sensed that I was not alone. I looked to the left and there before me stood a woman I had never seen before and yet she looked so utterly familiar as she smiled at me. My eyes grew wide as I looked her completely over. She had jet black hair and blue eyes that were both identical to mine own in color and they were incredibly kind. I took a few steps toward her and saw her raise her arms toward me as I all but tripped over my own feet from the realization of who was in front of me.


But I did not have to ask for in my soul I knew that I was standing before her; my own mother. Anor, the Lady of the Sun; and the one who had given me so much comfort and power when I had needed it most. As she put her arms around me and soothed me, tears welled up in my eyes. This was the ultimate gift I could have received; to have my mother's arms around me. But then I pulled back in confusion as she looked kindly upon me.

"But you are gone and I do not feel dead. I feel alive and like I still have so much to do. Why am I here? And where is here?" She laughed as I asked many questions starting to get confused.

"My darling daughter, no you are not dead. This place is the in between. You were brought here to heal your soul and heart after the evil got inside of you. You fought for all of us. Not just the souls back in Middle-earth but those who have passed on many years hence. And you won. This was a gift from Manwë to you. Your sacrifice saved us all."

I thought about everything she said trying not to be overwhelmed by it all. I did not want to let go of my mother's hands, but I did briefly so I could feel her face to see if she was real and not some wonderful hallucination of my mind. She did the same with me and it was like looking in the mirror though there were subtly small changes which I attributed to also being Ithil's daughter.

I put all thought of my father out of mind as my mother tucked my arm in hers and as we walked around the plain of stars and clouds, I felt quite at peace. I knew she was happy here or wherever she was. I could also feel strength and power returning ever so slowly to my limbs and to my soul. There was no evil inside of me. Just then a bright flash appeared and we saw my Aunt Galadriel standing there and smiling her most electrifying smile. The three of us embraced together for I did not want to let go of my mother until I absolutely had to.

"You knew, did you not? That this would happen?" I asked my aunt.

"I knew that the possibility was high that you would survive and be brought here. But I had to keep it to myself. You had to see your own potential when fighting the dark lord. I knew death did not frighten you, only the possible loss of loved ones but when it comes to a battle of souls and wills, many fail where you did not. I am very honored and proud to call you mine kin. Your mother's blood brought you forth and you did what you had to do even if you thought to have sacrificed your very soul. Now heal my dear child before you return back to where you belong." My aunt replied.

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