Ch. 21 ~ No More Secrets!

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            As I rode out of the gate, I had a strange feeling that everything was going to come to a head that night; whatever that meant. I kicked Sunset and off he flew. We arrived at the camp ground where the fire was already going and I saw the two of them on their horses. They were like the sun and moon in their differences. Legolas was blonde haired and blue eyed on a white horse while Strider was dark haired that looked disheveled. The rest of him was not put together much better; he looked just as the Dunedain or Rangers would; unkempt and always in constant migration. His clothing was dark and his horse was brown. I smiled at myself then; who was I to compare steeds when Sunset was jet black with ocean blue eyes?

            They trotted slowly towards me as I did toward them. My eyes met Legolas' first and he smiled lovingly at me and winked. I could tell that Strider was looking me over from top to bottom. He could see the resemblance to both my uncle and my aunt. But still could not fit the equation into the mix. I then smiled at him as our eyes met and he bowed his head to me. I decided to speak first and ask the crucial question that would finally put an end to all of my research or at least a good chunk of it.

"Mae g'ovannen Strider, may I inquire to what your real name is, though I have a feeling I already know." I spoke in Elvish as I knew he knew it well and understood it. He looked at Legolas who nodded encouragingly.

"I am Aragorn, my lady." He responded simply. I nodded and then surprised them both with what I said next.

"You have forgotten to mention that you are also the son of Arathorn and Isildur's heir as well as the last remaining decedent to the throne of Gondor. Did I miss anything?" Both of their eyes got wide as Aragorn was clearly taken aback that I knew exactly who he was.

"No you have not. But how did you know?"

"My research has served me well; through process of elimination and your genealogy though your name was inauspiciously missing." I said starting to look angry but not at them. I knew now what happened. All of the puzzle pieces finally fell into place.

"Do I get to find out your name? Legolas has not been very forthcoming with that. And since you know so much about me, perhaps I could at least find out that part about you." He tilted his head toward me looking at me inquisitively. I smiled and nodded.

"Certainly. I am Princess Hedraliel of Rivendell and Lothlorien." As I spoke his eyes widened. I continued:

"I can see by your reaction both lands are quite familiar to you, especially Rivendell. And before you ask, yes there are two princesses in Rivendell. One of them is Arwen. I think you two know each other quite well. She is my cousin. Lord Elrond is my uncle and Lady Galadriel is my aunt. That is how the blood of two lands flows through my veins. I was primarily raised by uncle Elrond in Rivendell but oft went to Lorien to train."

            I gave him the time to digest what I had said. In the meantime, Legolas watched as my eyes flashed and I knew exactly what I had to do. I was tired of the lies, the sneaking around. I wanted to know the truth, I needed to know it; hell I deserved it! And I knew only one who could give me all the answers to the questions rolling through my head like waves of a curling ocean. As I was thinking that Legolas spoke up but in the common tongue this time.

"I was telling St-Aragorn about how you fought by mine and my father's side during the Battle of The Five Armies. He wanted to know how it was possible that an elf was more efficient with a sword then a bow and arrow. I explained you and your sword to him. He would like to see the sword if that is possible. I assume Altherial is with you?" He asked with a half-smile. I knew he was trying to calm me down and speak of something else. That got Aragorn's attention back to the present as I knew he was thinking about the past and Arwen. I smiled then myself though the smile did not reach my eyes.

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