Ch. 38 ~ Our Wedding Day

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*Dedicated to Celedethor Celegonion*

Waking up as the sun rose over the great horizon, I stretched and turned over to look at it. So much was happening today. My surprise to my future husband went off without a hitch as he and his father have spent most of yesterday all night long talking out their differences. But even more important is that today is his, mine, our wedding day. 100 years passed on angel's wings and now it was time to say our rightful vows to each other. We had decided to write them to one another to make them extra personal. There was a knock at the door and I opened it after getting up and putting on my robe. Food was brought in first and than.....

There it was, covered under a white sheet of velvet; my wedding dress. It was my first time seeing it. My room soon filled with women; Arwen, Aunt Galadriel, Eowyn, elven maidens and such because this was the moment of truth. I was going to get to see it. Aunt Galadriel had over seen each detail and embroidery so that it would match me, the two lands I represented, who I was as a fighter, and yet be soft and wistful looking; in other words perfect for a wedding. My flowers, shoes, and old headpiece were laid next to it.

Everyone held their breath as I slid the velvet covering open and gasped as I took the dress in. It was white but had gold and silver coloring. It had leaves embroidered on the bottom and a gold tree on top with pearls and more silver binding going all around the dress. In the back right where the two halves joined up, the sun and moon were stitched in to perfection; they almost looked like they floated onto the dress themselves and attached themselves there. My aunt had done an impeccable job.

I was ready to jump into the dress but I knew I needed a bath first and to eat and that is where I was going. While bathing I heard that the place where we were to wed was ready, that Mithrandir had arrived, and that he looked very pleased when he heard that King Thranduil was there as well. He always felt that Thranduil could have done better by his only son. I was told that Legolas' wardrobe was being delivered to his and Thranduil's bed chambers respectively. Thranduil had already left as he was summoned by Mithrandir and my uncle. Aunt Galadriel who was present during the meeting said that Thranduil was stunned by Mithrandir's new appearance as he was now Gandalf the White and not the Grey as he had not seen him in a century and obviously much had happened during the War of the Ring.

So as I hummed to myself and finished my bath and as well as finished eating simultaneously; I was great at multitasking. I got dried off and sat behind my mirror. This time and probably for the first time since I was a little girl, my hair was not brushed stick straight but curled. It was braided only once and when I asked why, no one said a word to me. So I just took it at face value. It was finally time to put that majestic dress on. I was helped get into it and when it was finally on me and I had slipped into the white embroidered cotton and silk lace up shoes, the elven maidens were in awe and had tears going down their faces. But they would not let me look at the mirror yet.

I tucked my kerchief into my sleeve (gracious heavens, I knew I would need it today) as I always have along with my vows that I had written in elegant elvish. After that, my aunt stepped forward to put my familial jewelry; necklace, bracelet, and ring on me along with my royal headpiece and the finishing touches were the flowers. By that time everyone was crying. Finally those standing in front of the mirror stepped away from it and I got my first glance at myself and broke down. I knew I had to pull myself together. I was not crying because of how beautiful I looked though I could not recognize myself to be honest. I was crying because how much we had to give for this day to even come. How many battles, the war, the lives lost, and honored. And now we got to be happy; for all eternity.

We left my bed chamber then to go and get ready for the nuptials. At that moment as we reached a very special place, I left the others briefly as they took their places at the ceremony. I walked slowly to my mother's waterfall; it was only then that I realized that I had a train on this gown; albeit a small one. Not wanting to get it dirty, I leaned over the fountain and spoke:

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