Ch. 25 ~ Protection

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*Dedicated to Tanya Plashkova and Irene Cooper.*


I was panting, sweating, my throat was hoarse but I could not get the horror out of my mind. We had lost one. I refused to open my eyes so I jumped when I felt arms around me and then my eyes popped open. Uncle Elrond was sitting at the edge of my bed with a look of concern. I looked around and saw that the sky had begun to lighten. It was almost daybreak but the nightmare vision that had erupted from my soul dug deeper. His eyes would not leave mine. I knew then that this war just claimed our most powerful ally and someone close to my heart; Mithrandir.

"What is it my child? What frightens you so?" Uncle Elrond spoke then. Gulping, I uttered just one word;


Then I leapt out of bed and started gathering my clothing into my travel satchel for I knew I had to make my way back to Lorien at once. Aunt Galadriel would need me as would the others who I felt in every inch of my gut would now for certain have to go through Lorien on their way to Mordor. Uncle Elrond watched me without saying a word. I ran into another room long enough to change into something I could ride in and not in my night clothing. With a quick hug and long look at my uncle--knowing full well I had no idea when I would return next--I ran to the stables and jumped on Sunset who had been always made ready for my hasty and unexpected departures, then he and I took off toward Lorien in the sun rise. I did not even get a chance to say goodbye to Arwen but my uncle assured me he would give her the message.

I rode hard and fast. Probably faster than I had ever thought I had ridden in my life. I just could not get that image out of my mind. We had lost him and to what? Some fire breathing servant of that vile Morgoth? Now what did we do? The horn blew as I was ushered into Lothlorien and got off of Sunset as my aunt and Celeborn were watching me from their platform. Haldir was unseen at this point. I raced toward her and knew then all hope was lost. I had been praying my vision was somehow wrong; but looking into her unwavering eyes, I knew it was not. I had to breathe and gain my bearings.

"They will come from the north tonight; you need to be calm my child." She said.

Only good piece of news was that I would see my beloved and that is when Haldir appeared.

"They are approaching the forest from the other side now; I shall go and meet them." He bowed to me then. I did not even have the wherewithal to acknowledge him.

I walked to my chamber and changed into a golden gown and took out what was meant to be given on this precious night to my betrothed out of the jewelry box. I also had to take some deep breaths to focus on what lay ahead. I closed my eyes and let a sense of peace wash over me.

It took a while as I did not realize that all was delayed due to the fact that Haldir was reluctant to let the One Ring pass into the inner sanctum of Lorien but with Aragorn's persuasion it was finally accomplished. Once all had passed through the outer forest and into the inner sanctum where we lived, I watched from a hidden location as the Fellowship of 9 now only of 8--that fact alone tugged at my heartstrings--explained what had happened with the Balrog in Moria and my beloved Mithrandir. Now I got a good look at this fellowship.

4 Hobbits; one of which, Frodo, was carrying the One Ring; two men Aragorn and Boromir (the latter of whom seemed twitchy to me and not in a good way; I immediately did not trust him. He would try to take the ring from Frodo; I could see it.) A Dwarf named Gimli son of Gloin whom I met nearly a century before fighting side by side with Thorin. And of course my beloved Legolas, the only elf in the company. I knew he could sense my presence but it was not my time to show myself yet.

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